Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

    The final exam is graded in the school. Although the names are cut when they are scanned on the computer, the teachers know the situation of the students very well. Which students are particularly good or bad, you can guess who they are by looking at the paper surface.

    But there is a paper, neatly written on the surface, handsome in fonts, and even more incredible in the content of the answers, and almost hit every point.

    This handwriting is very unfamiliar to the teachers, but it is not that they have not seen it before. Some people have vaguely guessed whose paper it is, but they dare not confirm it.

    It's not really him, is it? Although that student has made great progress recently, it is unlikely that he scored such a high score.

    Then at the final total score, I found out that it was really Yao Yao.

    After Lao Xiao changed the physics test, he was stunned by Yao Yao's score, and immediately jumped up and ran to ask Yao Yao's scores in other subjects.

    When Lao Xiao summed up the grades of the students in the class, he was very excited. Taking Yao Yao's score, he asked the grade leader: "Where can this score be ranked in the whole grade?

    " His expression was blank for a few seconds, and then he patted Lao Xiao on the shoulder inexhaustibly.

    A weekend after the exam, the students went to school as usual on Monday. The school arranges for a few more days of classes, one is to issue grades, and the other is to teach papers.

    The key middle schools have paid close attention and prepared a letter to parents for each student. The results are written on it, and they need to be taken back and signed by the parents. No one can escape the fate of being known by their parents.

    The classmates came to school in the morning, and whenever anyone saw Yao Yao, they would say hello to him: "Yao Yao, is your yangko ready?"

    Yao Yao didn't say anything with a smile.

    The first class was Lao Xiao's class. Lao Xiao walked into the classroom from outside with his parents' report and physics papers in between. For some reason, he looked a little excited.

    He asked the class representative to send things down, and the students couldn't wait to open the notices to check their grades.

    Suddenly there was screaming in the classroom, and many students hugged and cried.

    Old Xiao was not surprised, and let the students make a fuss.

    Yao Yao frowned at the scores on the paper.

    Zhang Ziqian didn't bother to see how he did in the exam at all. He failed both horizontally and vertically. He first paid attention to Yao Yao, stretched his neck from the last row to look at Yao Yao, and whispered, "Boss, boss, how many points?"

    As soon as he saw Yao Yao With a frown, his heart froze: "Boss, you didn't miss the test, right?"

    Others laughed beside him: "It's normal to fail the test." I

    still remember the final exam of the first semester of high school, Yao Yao's father watched it. After reaching his score, he directly rushed into the school and chased Yao Yao to fight. How could he be number one this semester.

    So there is no suspense in that gambling game at all, it will definitely make a small profit, all the classmates who bet Yao Yao's Yangko dance thought so.     Yao Yao turned his head and said to Zhang Ziqian

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