Chapter 3: Found

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Kids POV

Cold...I always hated the cold, for so long the cold was all I ever felt. The weird liquid they put me in was always cold. The mask they used to cover my face was always cold. The metal tools and needles they used on me...were always cold.

I hate the cold.

New Dynasty
Date: N/A
Time: N/A
Location: N/A

In a tiny dimly lit room a small boy sat in a corner a ragged and dirty blanket wrapped around his entire body as he shivered from the cold, his head in his hands as he waited for what was to come.

That room was the entirety of my world. A closed world of stone and concrete that would never touch what lay outside its walls.

Who am I?, Why am I here?, Back then, that question never even crossed my mind. I was trapped in that room for as far back as I can remember. I felt like I had even older memories...but I soon forgot them.

The door to the room suddenly opened as the boy lifted his head the moment he had been waiting for had finally arrived, as a being of white entered with a tray of food in hand and placed it before the young boy before he instantly began to devour it all.

I could never explain who or what that thing was either, but it always kept me fed...probably a stand-in for what you would call a parent. But it never did much other than bring me food, it never talked if it even could, I never saw its face if it even had one, It just...watched me at least that was until...

As the small boy continued to wolf down the food in front of him completely oblivious to the small world around him the being of white slowly reached out its hand towards him hesitating for a split second before softly patting the top of the small boy's head and for the first time the boy stopped eating.

I don't know what happened to me at that moment or what it was doing to me, but for the first time for just a little bit...I didn't feel cold anymore. I felt...

Days passed and once again the door to the room slowly opened as the being of white entered this time however no food was present as it held out to the boy something he had never seen before

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Days passed and once again the door to the room slowly opened as the being of white entered this time however no food was present as it held out to the boy something he had never seen before.

One day,  for the first and only time, they brought me something that wasn't food.

The being of white held out a small teddy bear for the boy its fur tattered and dirty from age, its ears slightly misshapen from a lack of stuffing, the small coat, and vest it wore slightly torn with its collar popped open from its missing buttons. But its most noticeable feature was its eyes that stared at the young boy with the same fractured innocence as his own.

 But its most noticeable feature was its eyes that stared at the young boy with the same fractured innocence as his own

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