6-Family issues

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Few days later

I opened my eyes because of sun light . I remembered it's saturday , so i don't have school and I don't have a training . So I actually don't know what to do . Suddenly someone knock on my door

Alice: Y/N ? You awake ?

Y/N: Yes

She walk in

Alice: Mom wants us on breakfast before she's leaving .

Oh yeah , she have to leave town for a few days because of her job

Y/N: Be there in a minute

I did quick morning routin , put some clothes and headed downstairs

Y/N: Morning !

Vanessa: Good morning honey

I take some coffee and sit down between Alice and mom . There is silent , even uncomfortable silent

Y/N: Did someone died ? Or-

Vanessa: No , but your sister should say it

Mom look at Alice and I figured it out something bad happened

Alice: I've got a boyfriend

Vanessa: And she don't want us to meet him . She didn't even use Wilson as a last name

Y/N: There's nothing wrong about it . Are you gonna tell me his name ? Do i know him ?

Alice: He's going to the same school as you do . You've might know him . He gets beat few days ago . His name is Kyler

I look at her as i spit out my coffee

Y/N: Kyler ? Asian guy ?

Alice: Yes , you know him

Y/N: Hey , I'm not the one who can tell you something about dating

Vanessa: Yea , because your brother used to have girls on one thing only

I rolled my eyes at the comment

Y/N: I changed mom . I've got a girlfriend now

Vanessa: Ah , you do ? You have to introduce me sometime

Y/N: Yea , once you come back . But Kyler ? Seriously ?

Mom decide to be quiet again

Alice: I mean he's funny and that

Y/N: That guy is fucking asshole

Vanessa: Y/N ?!

Y/N: I'm sorry

I get back with my attention to Alice

Y/N: Look , you have so many options . And you choose that guy ?!

Alice: Why you don't like him ?

Y/N: I was the one who beat this guy . Trust me , he's gonna hurt you

She stand up and leave me and mum there

Vanessa: Good job , now she's pissed at you

Y/N: Mom , that guy is a bully number one . He used to bully my friends . If he's gonna do anything to her i'm gonn...

Vanessa: Maybe he's changed . Look , your sister isn't a kid anymore . I hate to admit it , but you have to feel dissapoitment to be trully happy

Y/N: If you say so

She decide to change the subject

Vanessa: So that girlfriend of yours . What's her name ?

I smiled

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