Chapter two - Living the life

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~ * Freddie * ~

The next morning I wake up in my apartment and turn around in my bed as I yawn slightly. I open one of my eyes slightly to look at my alarm clock and check the time. 10:30A.M. Perfect for a Saturday morning.
I yawn again and sit up in the bed slowly before rubbing my eyes and looking out of the window. I smile at the pretty and peaceful sight contently. My apartment isn't the biggest one in town and isn't in the most wanted place of the city but to me it's perfect, and after all, it's still a penthouse, which makes me giddily proud and happy.
I live in the most upper apartment of a pretty usual apartment complex just on the outside of the city. Away from the big busyness of it, which as I told you before doesn't bother me at all. I love being surround by people who aren't rich and formal and walking around in suits all day, even though I have to do that myself...
But I'm not like those people. My job means a lot to me and I make a good income with it but I would never make it a priority above let's say my family or friends like some other people do. I feel more at home around the people who live in my neighbourhood, family people who will always put their loved ones above everything else in life no matter what it will do to their career or social status.
I shouldn't act too hypocritical though because to be completely honest I do love my job and the fact that with the money I made with it I got to buy this apartment. Cause I don't think many other alone living people of my age could afford a place like this. And I really love this penthouse. I've been living in it for about 1 and a half year now and I have to say that it's been amazing. Because even though I don't live in the centre of the city the view is stunning and I have everything I need within less than 3 miles away from me.
I smile to myself and step out of bed, slowly walking to the kitchen in my boxers. Time for coffee. I make myself a cup of coffee and take it with me to the couch as it's ready. I sit down and put my feet up on the small table in front of the couch. I switch my tv on and search for an interesting channel but eventually just watch the news cause there's nothing else to watch. As I watch it I slowly sip my coffee and put it down as I hear my phone ring. I pick my phone up off the table and check the caller ID, Drew. I pick up.
"Hey man."
"Hey, you up already?"
"Well if I wasn't I would be now." I smirk slightly.
I hear Drew chuckle slightly. "Right. Well I just came across this article about events in the city and I saw that there's this music festival tonight. Tickets are only 25 bucks. So I was wondering if you wanna go?"
"Oh um" I think about if there's something I have to do but quickly realize I can't think of anything. "Yeah that sounds fun. You gonna invite some other people too?"
"Uhh huh." Drew says, "I was thinking of asking Dave, Jeff, Jennifer and Kelsey."
"Okay yeah that'll be fun. What time does it start?"
"Around 9P.M. Oh and hey can you come pick me up? My car broke down yesterday."
"Yeah sure no problem. I'll be at your place at 8:30 then?"
"Yup thanks. I'll ask the others to meet us at the festival. See you tonight."
"Alright awesome. Later." I hang up and put my phone back down on the table. I smile to myself. Tonight's gonna be fun. Dave and Jennifer are two of Drew and mine's other friends who also went to college with us. Jeff and Kelsey are two of Drew's collegues that I've met before at one of his birthdays. I had a great time with them and since then Drew, Dave, Kelsey, Jennifer and I are a good group of friends.
I pick my cup of coffee up again and drink it before bringing it back to my kitchen. I feel my stomach growl. Let's eat something then. I open my fridge and look for something to eat. It's nearly empty. How great. I sigh and close the fridge. I guess I'll go eat some breakfast somewhere then and then do some groceries. I walk back to my room and take some clothes out of my closet to wear. I walk to the bathroom and wash myself quickly before spraying some deodorant on myself and getting dressed. I look in the mirror and fix my hair. Alright, all done. I put my jacket on and put my wallet and phone in the inside pocket of it before grabbing my car keys and walking to the door. I open the door and walk out of it, locking it behind me and walking down to my car. I get into it and put the radio on, switching it to another station as they're telling the news again that I already heard. I start the engine and drive away. I drive to my favorite breakfast and lunch place not far from work called 'Dinoo's'. I get out of my car and lock it before walking inside the place. I walk to the counter and order my favorite breakfast, waffles with maple syrup and banana. I smile as they take my order and then sit down at a table, looking out of the window. I see a couple walking down the street hand in hand happily and sigh quietly. I haven't had a real relationship in 4 years, and I'm in high need of a great girlfriend.
I thank the waitress as she brings my breakfast and start to eat slowly. As I eat I look around the place, frowning slightly as I see a small boy shoving his breakfast down his throat like a caveman, weird...
But then my eye falls on a girl at a table in the corner of the deli. I look at the back of her head, her blonde curls covering her shoulders. She looks very familiar...
I take a closer look at her as she stands up and walks to the door. Her figure is gorgeous. I try to see a glimpse of her face but she doesn't turn it my way. I keep looking at her and then it suddenly hits me, Sam Puckett... She looks an extreme lot like her. But it can't be her...right? She moved to Los Angeles years ago...
I keep looking at the girl and bite my lip. I have to make sure if it's her or not. I stand up but before I can even walk over to her the girl has walked out of the door.
I whisper to myself softly "Sam..."

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