Her First Interaction

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"Eliza Sir" she replied to professor. "So Eliza what's something you're afraid of?" The Professor asked her. (as a class activity just to judge his students and create a comfort level with them)
She said losing a loved one.
They had a good discussion on this topic which made Eliza realize that the professor was not as aggressive as he seemed he indeed was very sweet and nice.
The class ended and all Eliza could think of was the professor. Maybe she was impressed by his kindness or something. There was something she was highly touched and found very different. There was not much of a difference between there age either barely 5 to 6 years and anyways age is just a number.
She thought she was impressed by the professor, at this point she didn't knew that she was in love with him although her behavior towards him was obsessive.
Eliza was an introverted soul but whenever she was in the professor's i.e Samuel's (his name) class she was the only active and participating student. She had no interest in literature but this time she loved it just because of the professor.
She wasn't aware of her feelings but she was In love with Samuel.
After a few weeks.. Eliza was taking class and found Samuel very ignorant to her although he was nice towards her before but he felt ignorant and like a stranger towards her.Eliza was hurt and thought she had done something or done bad in her tests which made Samuel angry but a little she knew Samuel was not an aggressive person. She ignored and thought it's normal thing for a human Samuel must be sad.
She kept trying to communicate with him in the classes but she still felt very strange vibes from Samuel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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