2. Two-Step Plan (part one.)

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My plan is making me nervous, because it's open ended, and there's always some reason to be afraid of telling the person you love the most that you want to get back with them, but it's never the right time and your parents tell you to stop thinking about boys but there are two you can't stop thinking about and it's just driving you MAD.


The biggest goal of it is to get Dylan back, but that's only step one. According to my step uncle aka random little kid who has a crush on me, Manny, Andy's coming back to town soon. By soon, I mean next week.

When he met my family, what a great time that was. Andy and Manny surprisingly found something in common to talk about, which was their love for poetry. Andy is part of this poetry workshop, and after that I found poetry less...dorky.

Anyway, he let Manny get in the poetry club or workshop type of thing (there's a specific term for it that only Alex and other nerds who don't write in journals know of.) They really hit it off, and they've been keeping contact ever since.

Which is weird, because Andy and Manny have such a big age gap. Sometimes I wish they're talking because Andy wants to know how I'm doing, through talking with Manny. But that feels stupid, in a dream.

When I met Andy a couple of months ago, while there are parts of his personality that are..conflicting, he's the first person I've truly said ''I love you'' to, and meant it wholeheartedly. 

 I hate to say this, but most of the time Dylan's felt like a safety net. I really like him, but LOVING will take some time. It's hard to explain. I'm just a 'torn between two guys who don't need you anymore' type of freak who used to be a school DIVA.

A life with Andy, as stupid as that sounds, means I have to change into a different person, someone unfamilliar but who I've always wanted to be. Andy has more sense when being talked to, and HIS VOICE.

Anyway, when he and Manny meet for their lame- I mean, they're beautiful poetry event, I'll be there to talk to him. Understand my feelings for him, where four hours of being in the same room as him should be enough. (Four hours? What do they talk about in these things?)

By the time I understand my feelings for him, I'll act with Andy from there. This is a two-step plan, though, and the other one is in school. If I get a whole week without being a popular girl, it'll be officially a MONTH since I've sat with the cool kids aka my ex friends.

And that type of milestone will stain my reputation FOREVER. Which is why it's not happening. I'm going back to being prom queen in no time, but before doing that, I need to get back with Dylan.

The part of my plan involving him is for me to get back with him, gain my reputation back, then wait for Dylan to break up with me. Which he will, because even if I can be loving, I can be.. Unlovable. As in, no one will want me even if I haven't been single forever, since like, fourth grade.

If I still have feelings for Dylan, which is something ELSE I have to figure out, then I'll be loving again. But like I said, being with him, even if it's in past tense now, has made me learn to be kind to others.

Which is why the moment I find out I really don't like him, I'll give myself a different 'brand' at school, that way our names won't be linked together, and THEN I'll break up with him.

 Popularity systems are strange, but the moment I'm cool without Dylan like I used to be, it'll all rest on whether or not I still have feelings for him. Which I think I may, but there's no way I'm cheating on him with Andy.

Gosh, I haven't done this much thinking in ages. It's so painful and complicated. Tomorrow's Monday, though, so I'll be back at school, and I'll win Dylan back. 

What I like about him is that he's stayed the same over being a nobody to someone who sits with the popular kids. And knowing him, he'll pick me over Alexa Morceli any day.

I hope so. Especially because Alexa's dating, like, five other boys. Most of them are math tutors. This plan of mine needs to work, even if it means sending him flowers or chocolate (though he's severely allergic to chocolate.)

Alex is about to wake up, so I won't spend this time going on about Andy and his deep, beautiful, angelic voice that sends shivers down my spine. In a good way. 

Like I mentioned, after breaking up with Dylan, my mind has been kind of..messy. Now it's focused on Andy's poetry writing, which is a thousand times better than Manny's.

That really irks me because Andy's writing poetry for another girl. There's something important again I have to write, so hold on.

Haley Bailey

Haley Bailey

Haley Bai- wait, that name sounds horrible. Haley Dunphy-Bailey will do. See, the problem with me is I don't know who to end up with. I'm spending time with

Since Alex is waking up and my plan still needs work, I should go listen to Olivia Rodrigo and have a pity party now, because getting Dylan OR Andy is going to be hard. Either of them. Be right back. 

Up next on Chapter 3 (out now) :

The plan to win Dylan back is revealed, as well as messy feelings (a lot of them!)

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed the second chapter! Are you team Andy or team Dylan? Leave a comment!

The next chapters are out now, please consider giving this a vote if you enjoyed (or were at least amused by what's coming for Haley.)

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