Chapter 17

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*Eleven and Y/n walks in to the room with the tank and the door closes behind them*

Eleven: "No! Wait!"

Y/n: "NOOO!"

Eleven: "No! No!"

Dr. Brenner: "You both can't leave."

Eleven: "Where is Dr. Owens?"

Dr. Brenner: "Dr. Owens had a change of heart. I know you wish to go to him and there's a nothing I can stop you from forcing open that door. But if my men hear you coming, they will kill him. And alone, you will never find your way out of this desert to your friends. Here's what we're going-"

*Y/n gets nosebleed and a vision of what's going to happen in some moments*

Eleven: "Was I looking for him? For Henry?"

Dr. Brenner: "No. No."

Y/n: "Uhmm guys...uh...we get visitors..."

Dr. Brenner: "We were focused on the Soviets. You knew that"

Y/n: "Okay you both ignore me..."

Eleven: "Papa does not tell the truth. Henry said that."

Dr. Brenner: "And now you trust Henry? Henry, who's manipulated you like some puppet? You are the one who released him from his prison. You. And now you are angry with yourself and you're taking your anger out on me and you're risking everything."


Eleven: "No, you.

*Eleven walks to Dr. Brenner*

Eleven: "You have risked everything! You have lied! You made me look for him! The gate...The Mind Flayer...So many dead. And all because of you. Because you could not stop. You could not let him go. I came here to try and understand who I was. To see if I...if O was the monster. And now I know the truth. It is not me. It is you. You are the monster. I am going to open that door and I am going to leave with Dr. Owens."

Y/n: "And me...? You don't leave me alone with this Idiot...right?"

Eleven: "And of course Y/n. If you try to stop me, I will kill you."

*Eleven opens the door and Dr. Brenner walks behind her and sticks a syringe in her throat*

Eleven: "AHHH!"

*Eleven uses her powers to throw Dr. Brenner against the tank*

Y/n: "Eleven...? Are you okay?"

Dr. Brenner: "You'll soon see the truth, Eleven."

Y/n: "Shut up! No one cares what you say!"

*Eleven uses her powers against Dr. Brenner but Eleven faints*

Y/n: "Eleven...?!"

【Stranger Things 4】 Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now