Supra Section 1 - "The Rising Incense of the Poem"

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i sit here now and forever on the floor of the library,

ingesting all the knowledge that i can find,

the storm of the world, batters always against my fortifications

and i know

the king will come in glory,

the magic in the air

symbolizing our futures

that in the darkest night,

when all eyes in the world are blind

that we will lift our eyes to the heavens

and see the light piercing through the clouds

patience, and diligence of never giving


the waves of our oceans

meet our shore

and we realize that the passing time

passes all events, people and places we knew together into memory

stand with me, hold the light of God,

and walk by it, hold my hand

as we tread forward into our future

now and unto ages of ages

the Spirit of the life that has fled the world, falls away from us,

but longing for the ulcer in the soul to be repaired

Truth can be found waiting in every crevice within the world,

the dancing galaxies passed us by,

and the light of God was no longer found anywhere

we fell victim beneath the Banner of the Broken Cross,

we knew that the life in our souls was always,

subject to the passing passions of the ministers of death,

and we stood as lonely souls, unable to stop

the flood of gasoline, pouring down against our skin,

the Universe of ours, was always subject to decay,

but we always knew within our twisted hearts,

that the desperate anthems of our youth, would once again

rise from the ashes of a world about to take its last breath,

we descended deep into the recesses of our own vacuous hearts

and nothing could fill our hearts except for the anxiety,

we imbibed into ourselves,

the light of god had gone out forever

and no one would ever know if it would return,

i craved a life far away from

the universe i had fallen into so deeply

with no way ever to find any other worlds

i counted my mortality, the passing and fleeting days left of my life

the sway of all of the oceans,

drawing me and tempting me to fall under their spell forever,

i would sit by this same shore, counting the waves that would come

and i always knew that one day, one of these waves would sweep me afar off,

and i would only need to lie back and enjoy the riptide,

The Banner of the Broken Cross and the Storm of the Worlds - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now