chapter 2 it is the weekend

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Brittany and lelouch and Suzaku and nunnally are at the mall and Brittany and nunnally are having fun and Brittany helped nunnally pick out some really cute and pretty dress and Brittany find some pretty dress to and some more tank top and matching shorts and Brittany find some more clothes for her little sister milly.  Brittany said let go have some lunch together and Brittany and nunnally and lelouch and Suzaku are having lunch together and nunnally said Brittany this is fun and Brittany said I'm glad that your having fun nunnally and Brittany said lelouch and Suzaku it your turn to find some more clothes and lelouch and Suzaku find more clothes.  Brittany said it time that we head back home and Brittany and lelouch and Suzaku and nunnally all made it back to Brittany mansion  and Brittany said I'll wash  our new clothes and then put them away ok and lelouch and suzaku said were going to go downstairs and watch tv in the family and Brittany said bring nunnally down to so she can watch tv ok. Brittany is done with washing nunnally new clothes and Brittany put them in her bedroom and Brittany is putting lelouch new clothes in the washer machine when her cell phone starts to ring and Brittany said hi grandfather and Ruben said hi sweetie and you and lelouch and milly graduate tomorrow and Brittany said really and Ruben said yes Brittany and Brittany said ok and should I tell lelouch and Ruben said yes Brittany you can tell lelouch and Brittany said ok. Brittany said lelouch can you come upstairs please and lelouch walked back upstairs and lelouch said Brittany are you ok and Brittany said I'm fine and my grandfather called and me and you and milly graduate tomorrow and lelouch said that good and Brittany said yeah and lelouch started kissing Brittany on her lips and Brittany started playing with lelouch hair and lelouch carried Brittany back upstairs and Brittany opened her bedroom door and lelouch gentle pushed Brittany on to her bed and lelouch started kissing Brittany on her lips and Brittany is kissing lelouch neck  and Brittany pulled away from the kiss and lelouch said brittany are you ok and Brittany said yeah I'm fine lelouch and I know that me and you and my little sister milly graduate tomorrow but do you really want to start a family with me and lelouch said brittany I love you so much and yes I want to start a family with you and so will suzaku.  Brittany said ok we can start a family and please be gentle with me and lelouch said brittany I love you and I'll be gentle with you and Brittany and lelouch are having a make out session and lelouch released inside of Brittany and Brittany said let get clean up and Brittany and lelouch took a quick shower and Brittany and lelouch are out of the shower and Brittany wrapped her towel around her waist and Brittany wrapped her hair in a small hair towel and Brittany is done with drying herself off.  Brittany put on her deodorant and Brittany put on her peach lace bra and matching underwear and Brittany put on her black and gold crop top shirt and Brittany put on her white short and Brittany blow dry her hair and Brittany French braid her hair and Brittany grabbed her hamper and Brittany walked back downstairs and Brittany is done with washing the New clothes and Brittany put her and lelouch and suzaku new clothes in their dresser and Brittany walked back downstairs.  Brittany put her dirty clothes in the washer machine and Brittany added the soap and fabric softener and Brittany started the washer machine. Brittany grabbed her big pot and Brittany put water in the pot and Brittany put the pot on the stove and Brittany turned on the stove and Brittany grabbed two boxes of pasta and Brittany put the two boxes of pasta in the boiling water and Brittany is stirring the pasta and Brittany drained the pasta and Brittany added the butter and Brittany stirred the pasta so the butter would melt and Brittany grabbed four bowl and Brittany said lelouch and nunnally and suzaku dinner is ready and lelouch helped his little sister nunnally upstairs for dinner. Brittany put pasta in the four bowl and Brittany put the bowl of pasta on the table and Brittany grabbed four glass of water and Brittany put them on the table and Brittany sliced some Italian bread and Brittany put the Italian bread on the table and Brittany and nunnally and suzaku and lelouch are eating dinner when Brittany cell phone starts to ring and Brittany grabbed her cell phone and Brittany walked in to her girl cave and Brittany said hello and cornelia said hi Brittany and Brittany said cornelia it is so good to hear your voice again and cornelia said it is good to hear your voice again to Brittany and since you graduate tomorrow would you like to gave my little sister  euphemia a tour tomorrow when she came.  Brittany said I would be honored to gave euphemia Li Britannia a tour and cornelia said thank you Brittany and you don't mind if euphemia stayed with you and Brittany said yes euphemia can stay with me and cornelia said thank you Brittany.  Brittany said your welcome and cornelia said I'm going to have a bouquet of flowers for you tomorrow at your graduation  and I'll have the royal  outfit designer make you a dress and your still the same height as euphemia right and Brittany said yes cornelia I'm still the same height as euphemia and Cornelia said ok and Brittany what are you favorite color and Brittany said I like light pink and gold and silver and blue ok and cornelia said ok Brittany and I'll let you get back to your dinner ok.  Brittany walked out of her girl cave  and Brittany walked back in to her dining room and suzaku said Brittany who was that and Brittany said just a childhood friend that is coming to visit and to see me graduate from school tomorrow and suzaku said ok Brittany and Brittany is done with her dinner and Brittany is cleaning up the kitchen from dinner and lelouch said Brittany me and suzaku and nunnally are going to go to bed and Brittany said ok and don't forget to put nunnally in her pj ok and lelouch said I won't forget Brittany and Brittany said ok and Brittany is done with cleaning up the kitchen  and Brittany put away her clean laundry and Brittany put her hamper back in her bathroom and Brittany brushed her teeth and Brittany brushed her hair and Brittany turned off her bathroom light and Brittany is sitting on her bedroom balcony and Brittany is looking at the stars when lelouch wrapped his arm around Brittany waist and Brittany said lelouch i thought you went to sleep and lelouch said I was waiting for you to come to bed and Brittany said ok and lelouch said what is wrong and Brittany said nothing is wrong and lelouch said yes there is something wrong because you only sit on your balcony when something is wrong.  Brittany said lelouch promise me that you won't get mad and lelouch said Brittany I promise you that I won't get mad and Brittany said your half sister cornelia is going to be at our graduation tomorrow and she wants me to gave your half sister euphemia a tour and lelouch said I'm not mad Brittany and just be careful with Cornelia and Brittany said I promise to be careful with your two half sister ok and Brittany started yawning and lelouch gently pick Brittany up and lelouch carried Brittany to bed and lelouch gentle laid Brittany down on her bed and lelouch closed and locked Brittany bedroom balcony door and lelouch climbed in to Brittany bed and lelouch wrapped his arm around Brittany waist and Brittany kissed lelouch good night and Brittany fall asleep in lelouch and suzaku arms and Brittany is having peaceful dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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