Chapter Four

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My heart beats faster and faster as the seconds go by. And before I know it, it's already 9:55pm. I fumble while grabbing my things causing Penny to stare at me. She raises one brow at me suspiciously, causing me to blush. "What's that look for, Penny?" I don't look at her while asking, knowing the redness in my face would give away why I was so eager to get out of there. "Dove, you're practically shaking right now. I'm just curious what's got you so worked up... Maybe a certain pilot has got you all hot and bothered?" There was no doubt about it. Penny somehow knew exactly how I was feeling. She really was just like my mother. It sometimes scared me how alike they are. I quietly shush her before pulling her into a hug. I pull away and look at Bradley sitting on the chair closest to the door. "I think we both have a type, Pen. Pilots that are hard to keep up with." She laughs causing me to smile at her. "Well, we are related. Now go! Don't keep your 'Pilot that's hard to keep up with' waiting." I hug her one more time before turning and exiting the bar.

"Are you ready, darlin'?" I swear every time he calls me that I want to melt into a puddle on the floor. I look up at him nervously, biting my lip. "As ready as I'll ever be." He smirks before looping his arm around my waist, leading us outside the Hard Deck. The night air slaps my face; causing my cheeks to sting. It's not cold, but it's very windy. "Where is your car?" I turn to face him and look away sheepishly. "I actually walk here... It was either my own house or a car. So I chose to get a house. Luckily my house isn't far from here." He jingles the keys of his Ford Bronco in my direction, bringing my focus to him. "Looks like we're riding together then, Dove." This causes my heart to race. Calm down Elaine! It's just a car ride. Nothing special.

We walk to his car in silence. The only sound being heard was our heels on the pavement. I could tell we were both nervous by the sound of both of our quickened steps. As I approach the passenger side, Bradley rushes and grabs the door handle. He opens it slowly before gesturing me to climb in. "My lady." I giggle before curtsying. "Thank you kind sir." Once I'm in, he jogs to the drivers side and practically jumps in, causing the whole vehicle to shake. The car hums to life as he turns the ignition. He gets his phone from his pocket, opening his music app. "What shall we listen to on our journey? Maybe some Fleetwood Mac? Foreigner?" I think for a moment before grabbing his phone. Our fingers brush for a split second causing my stomach to turn. "I've got something I think you would like." I search before selecting what I was looking for. The song pumps through the speakers, causing the bass to shake the car. 

Huggin' and a-kissin', dancin' and a-lovin'
Wearin' next to nothing 'cause it's hot as an oven
The whole shack shimmies

"Oh Dove... Where have you been all my life?" I laugh loudly as he starts speeding out of the parking lot, throwing his head back while singing the lyrics. The windows are down, causing my hair to flow in the wind. I tell him the directions as the music enters my very soul. I don't think I have been this content in a very long time. Somehow, Bradley makes me forget about the sadness I feel when I'm alone. My head is sometimes so quiet, that it drives me mad. But when I'm with him, my mind buzzes with all these erratic thoughts. I had always wondered what it would feel like to look at someone and just know you're going to miss them when they're out of sight.

The love shack is a little old place where
We can get together

The song fades away as we pull into my driveway. Bradley pulls the keys out before bolting out of the car, running to my side. He opens the door once again, giving me a bow. I roll my eyes before getting out. "You know you don't have to do that every time right?" He closes the car door behind me before rushing in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. He grabs my hand, bringing it to his lips. He kisses my knuckles softly while looking directly into my eyes. It must be getting hot out here because suddenly I'm sweating. "I know I don't have to, but I definitely want to." He winks, dropping my hand. I shiver before side stepping him, leading us to the front door. "Laying it on thick aren't we?" I say in almost a whisper before unlocking the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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