and so it begins

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and so it begins


Keiry looked at the girl sitting beside her and all she could think about was that she didn't make sense. It didn't make sense that although she was beautiful, she was never different. It didn't make sense that she arrived to class at the same time every Monday and left promptly at the bell. It didn't make sense that the curly hair that grew on her head sans the undercut was always parted favoring the left side.

But she never smiled. Keiry wondered what this girl could ever question in life if all she ever experienced was sameness. Then the girl looked her way. Keiry knew. Keiry knew then - because the girl's eyes told her - that it is not that she never questioned anything. She always questioned everything.

Desta glanced to her right and was met with brown eyes that reminded her of her own and although she looked her straight in the eye, neither of the girls dared to look away. Desta liked this, so she held out her hand.


Keiry blinked out of her stupor long enough to place her hand within Desta's and reply, "Keiry."

Out of character - as Desta was always one to be too uninterested to initiate anything - Desta speaks without letting go of Keiry's hand, "Keiry, what is something that makes you happy?"

Never one to speak without prior thinking, Keiry pondered this inquiry and Desta fell patiently silent as she let go of Keiry's hand. A short minute passed as Keiry readied her answer and with confidence she began, "Being alone," she paused as if thinking it over further and continued moments later, "but not being lonely."

Desta smiled a genuine smile, "Perfect answer."

The pair walked out of class quietly, but content. As Desta walked off toward the street that led to her apartment, Keiry paused for a moment. She did not know they would simply part ways. How would they know where to meet up? They did not exchange information. She walked to catch up with Desta.

"Hey! You didn't tell me what makes you happy." She accused lightheartedly as she approached the curly-haired beauty.

With a shrug, Desta amended, "It would be easier to show you."

"And when do you plan to do that?"

Desta stopped walking and looked at Keiry. She observed that she wore a long, baggy shirt, leggings, and running shoes. "Are you free right now?"

Although Keiry knew she had a class starting in 30 minutes, something told her not to go. So, she shook her head and at that, Desta smiled and spoke, "Right on. Follow me."

And that is what Keiry did.

Desta led the way as Keiry walked behind her. They walked past the conceptually beautiful, but realistically hideous buildings. They walked past couples holdings hands and young men catcalling those of their interest. They walked past busy streets. Then, Keiry found the two of them alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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