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Jonah's POV:

We start to walk down the stairs. The air getting way colder as we walk down then it had been up.

The moment everyone were down, we smelt a weird smell. It smelt like blood. It probably meant that someone had been here recently since Adam's blood wouldn't smell here if it wouldn't have been his, his blood was most definitely tried up.

"Jonah, Adam, you go check on the right, me, Mark and Dave will check on the right, when something happens, scream" Cesar says as he gives us flashlights.

We all go our ways then. Did I forget to mention that the basement is big? That's why we're going in as teams to the sides.

As me and Adam walk, he starts to look nervous. "You okay?" I ask Adam. "Yeah, just memories of this place" he says with a shaky voice.

I put my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down. But just when I was gonna speak we heard a loud scream.

Adam grabbed my hand and we ran to where the scream came from. We were met with Mark on the floor holding his leg with tears in his eyes.

"He got attacked by an alternate when me and Cesar looked away for only a second" Dave explained. Cesar was trying to calm Mark down while he was bandaging his leg up. It seemed very serious because there was a lot of blood and when Mark got on his feet his couldn't be on his leg so Dave hold onto him.

Right after this we had to go to the hospital. "Hey guys?" Adam said. We looked at him and he pointed to a direction. We look there and saw a TV with the 'intruders' face on it.

Just then Alternates came out of no where and stared to attack us. Our trusty guns were the only things holding them back.

"You think you can defeat us?" It asked as it started to laugh. "Past, Jonah, I've got a plan, I need you" Cesar said. I nod and went with him up stairs.

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