The Better Man| Joseph and Caesar

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You ran down the hall and hid inside one of the rooms, shutting the door behind you. You made sure not to slam the door so the two men chasing you wouldn't hear it. You listened to their footsteps pass by and closed your eyes, taking deep breaths.

   " Signora Y/n? What is going on? "

You opened your eyes and saw Suzie Q standing inside the room. You walked further into the room and realized that you had run into the kitchen when Suzie Q was preparing lunch.

   " Sorry, Suzie, but I was trying to get away from them. "

   " From who? "

   " Who do you think? It's Joseph and Caesar again. " You said, leaning against the counter.

   " Are they still bothering you? "

   " They never seem to stop. "

   " Remind me when did all of the fighting start again? There's so much that happened I forget sometimes how it all started. "

   " Well, you remember when Lisa Lisa brought Caesar and Joseph to Air Supplena Island, don't you? "

   " Yes, and they had to complete their first test with Hell Climb Pillar. "

Suzie gestured for you to walk closer to the table where she was rolling dough. She stopped and let you roll the dough while she worked beside you, cutting fruit and putting them together in a bowl.

   " Well, Caesar was always the flirt before Joseph came, but after he brought Joseph, things just started getting intense. "

   " How so? "

   " Well. . ."


   " Have they finished Hell Climb Pillar yet? " You asked, entering Lisa Lisa's room.

   " Yes, they're outside resting, before we continue their training. Caesar asked where you were. "

   " Did he? "

   " Yes, so if I were you Iwould visit him, before I start pushing their limits. " Lisa Lisa said, smiling toward you.

   " Has he showered at least? "

   " I believe so. He showered after Hell Climb Pillar before immediately going into training. "

   " Good, because when he sees me I know he's going to hug me, and I would not like getting oil on my clothes. I'll go talk to him. Thank you Lisa Lisa. "

You left Lisa Lisa's room and walked to the courtyard, where you spotted Caesar with the new trainee, Joseph lying beside him. Joseph wore the black breathing mask, and you were surprised he could still breathe after Hell Climb Pillar.

   " Hey, Caesar! " You yelled across the courtyard.

Caesar sat up and looked in your direction. Upon seeing you, a smile formed on his face, and his eyes became bright. Joseph looked at Caesar with an eyebrow raised, wondering what he was looking at with so much joy. Then, Joseph looked in the same direction and saw you walking towards them, waving at Caesar. His jaw would have fallen to the grassy floor if the breathing regulator wasn't tied around his mouth.

   " Looks like you survived Hell Climb Pillar! "

   " Did you expect any less of me, mia cara! " Caesar yelled as he quickly stood up and ran towards you.

When Caesar was in front of you, he lifted you into the air and spun you around before setting you on the ground, hugging you.

   ' I knew he was going to hug me. '

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