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Calvin Bright 

I hate niggas who try me, these niggas feel as if I am the soft type, Calvin ain't no bitch and no nigga on this earth can touch me! "Tie that nigga to the chair!" I tell my big man Richie, "Got it Boss!" He snatches the lil skinny nigga up like a piece of paper and tosses his ass in the chair, mind you this skinny nigga is crying like a bitch, tears rolling down his ugly old face "Boss man I am sorry, My bad my bad, We ain't even know it was your block bruh!" He pleads but that shit doesn't faze me one bit "Bitch!" I punch him dead in the face knocking out some of his teeth "This nigga had these in his pockets!" Richie hands me a stack of my special made business cards... "YOU BITCH!" I lift my foot from the ground and kick him right in the chin, hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to break his jaw "BOSS MAN I GOT THE OTHER NIGGA!" Bryan comes in holding a bitch nigga by his collar, He got a constipated look on his face "You think you tough nigga, take your best shot!" Bryan lets him go and the bitch nigga tries to swing on me, I come up from his side and crack him in his ribcage, The scream he let out lets me know he ain't about that life "Yeah bitch SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" Bryan grabs him up, places his broken rib cage having ass in the chair then ties him to it, Let's get one thing straight, I run these corners, I put my bitches on these corners and I will break your fuckin face if you ever try to cross me again... Better yet... Let you be the lesson for them other bitch ass pussy niggas who think they can cross me!" I smack the taste right out of the skinny little dude "Gasoline!" I put my hand out and Bryan hands me the container "You bitch ass niggas just loveee acting like you don't know who the fuck I am! You pussy niggas think shit sweet right? Imma show you shit sweet alright!" I pour gasoline on the tough nigga while eyeing the cry baby skinny dude "What's your name?" I ask him "Reese, Reese Sky!" He cries out "hmmm" I nod my head "LIGHTER!" I call out "Any last words?" I ask the fake tough guy "FUCK YOU!" He spits but it lands on the floor "awww nah FUCK YOU!" I toss the lighter and all of us watch him go up in flames, His piercing screams make the demons in me laugh. I grab the hose and put the flames out, He is burnt the fuck up "KNIFE!" Once I am handed the knife I cut into his stomach, carving my initials in it C.B "ARGHHHHHHH!" he screams out in agony. "shut the fuck up!" I growl "hang this nigga on the block!" I say and my goons drag him out "Now, Reese!" I pat his shoulder "Look man, I'll do anything, whatever you say I will do it, I will tell you where all my homies are, I'll give you our bitches, please man I don't want to go out like that, come on man I know you got heart bruh!" Reese pleads and begs "I got heart for real niggas, you ain't a real nigga, you lied to my face!" I grab the gasoline "Look bruh please, Taalan said if we don't run on your shit that he will come for our families and sell our daughter's, Please man! I can tell you where he be at, He got bout half a mil just sitting in his house, The nigga thinks he is untouchable, I got three daughters I want to see them again!" Reese begs "How old are your girls?" I ask "Rachelle is fifteen, Royalty is eight and my baby girl Reese-ann is six months!" He cries "I'll tell you what, If you give me your boss I will let you go home to your girls, but if you fuck me over I will kill them!" I say as I untie him "I promise I will be loyal to you, You got my word!" He says. Once I get all the information I need My goons and I are on our way to not only collect the money taken from us but to kill a whole lot of filthy grimey niggas. 

Asia Canady 

As I am walking back to Iyla's house just from the corner store, A car creeps up on me, I try to look to see who it is but the tinted windows won't let me "Who are you?" I ask but they keep following me, I take off running but soon I am tackled to the ground by some bitch, she starts pounding on me which I try to fight back but this bitch is strong "GET OFF ME!" I yell but the bitch keeps throwing hits, I throw them back as fast as I can but I only got like six hits on her "Get up bitch!" She grabs my hair and drags me, I see two men hop out and help her, I start fighting,kicking and screaming "Call the police oh my gosh they are kidnapping that girl!" The neighbors start calling police, some are definitely taking pictures, One of the guys starts shooting, before I know it I am in the car which is now driving away from the scene "Call Calvin!" The taller man says and the bitch obeys "Calv! We got her" She puts the phone on speaker "Heyyy baby girl, Did you really think you can leave me that easily? see you soon my love!" The phone clicks, I start crying just thinking of all the bad that will soon happen to me... Again

Shea Wright 

Shaela, Messiah come eat please!" I set their plates at the table then help Shaela into her booster chair "chocolate chip pancakes!" Messiah claps "Aren't they good looking?" I smile "Yes and mine has a smiley face!" Messiah says "Mine has a smiley face too!" Shaela giggles "Eat up because I got to bring you back to mommy and Taylor okay!" I kiss their foreheads "Can you come home too?" Messiah asks "I can't lil man, I live here now, but you can call me whenever you want okay?" I smile "Okay!" he says with sadness in his little voice, I wish I could be with Diamond, I wish I could be there when our kids wake up, when they cry, when they need something or just want to be held but I can't be with someone who can't even be faithful to me! I love Diamond just as much as I love our kids but I don't see us getting back together. Once they are done eating we all brush our teeth, wash our faces, get dressed then head to the car

"Lets see who can get to the door the fastest!" I race the kids to Diamond's front door "Messiah wins and Shaela wins yayyy!" I give them high fives "Hi babies!" Diamond hugs them "They had breakfast, Shaela ate a ton she is definitely our mini you!" I laugh "haha yeah!" Diamond kisses her cheek "I'll see you both on Wednesday!" I kiss our kids before leaving, I look back and wave goodbye, I can see the pain In Diamond's eyes and I know she can see it in mine as well, I miss her I truly do, I wish we could be together forever but life didn't work out that way! Maybe her and Taylor will be great together, I want the best for not only our kids but for Diamond as well. She deserves happiness, We both do! 

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