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The next morning, everyone and their mamas were at the picnic located in the park. Once the Bridgerton staff had set up the camp and arranged the tables and chairs, that was where Eleanora resided for most of the morning and afternoon, her nose practically attached to the pages.

"Come play a game with us, Nora!" Hyacinth called from where she, Colin, Anthony, and Gregory were playing catch.

"I mustn't," she said sheepishly. "A woman mustn't play games . . . Plus my book is getting really good."

"Oh honestly, Nora!" Benedict laughed from next to her, in between shoving hors d'oeuvres into his mouth. With that, Hyacinth and Gregory started cheering and calling for her to play with them.

"You shall play a game with us or I will throw your little book in the river," Anthony threatened teasingly.

"You wouldn't!" Eleanora gasped in mockery.

Anthony walked over to her, took the book from her hands and set it down. The viscount then proceeded to take both her hands in his and lead her to the other siblings. The gesture made Eleanora blush, but thankfully her maid applied rouge to her cheeks that morning while she was getting ready, so hopefully no one (especially Anthony) had noticed the change in her complexion.

After the five settled down from their game, Anthony stepped aside to sit with Daphne in the grass, who was gazing at the river.

"I was not aware, Sister, of what Berbrooke attempted," he confessed. "I would have helped you. You should have told me."

"Would you have believed me?" she scoffed, finally darting her eyes to him. "Did you only change your mind about Lord Berbrooke because another man told you the truth?"

Anthony was taken aback by this. "You truly esteem me so little?"

"After I apprised you of my wishes and you proceeded to ignore them, yes, Brother. I do."

With that, Daphne stood up to meet with Simon, who had just arrived on his horse to meet with her for a promenade.

Anthony stayed sitting for a moment, thinking of how to confront Eleanora about this and how to apologize to her about being right about Berbrooke's intentions. He turned his head to find her reading that damned book in the same seat she was in before she joined him and his siblings.

"Has that book enraptured you so?" he called to her.

"Hm?" she said, raising her head. "Quite so."

"Would you like to promenade? I must speak with you about something."

Eleanora's eyes widened. It did not take her long to answer. "Erm . . . of course." She set her book down and stood up, smoothing out her day dress and grabbing her shawl.

Anthony did the same before walking up to Violet. "Mother, Nora and I will be taking a walk. We won't be long."

With that, the eldest son kissed his mother on the cheek before offering his arm to Eleanora. With Eleanora's hand around his arm, the two exited the tent and began following the trail.

"Remember what I said to you last night about being right?" Anthony asked after a few minutes of strolling in silence.

"How could I forget? You said three words then bolted out of my view," Eleanora said with a laugh.

"Hastings had told me of the advances Berbrooke made towards Daphne."

Hearing those words, Eleanora froze in her steps. Anthony stopped walking also. She could barely formulate a response, merely just blinking at him. It finally clicked to Eleanora as to why Daphne had, in fact, punched Berbrooke.

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