Reconciliation & Revenge

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Part 1: What happens between the ballroom and bedchamber.

Part 2: A short inner monologue of Hebaron's suffering the following day.

Part 1

Maxi took a deep breath, letting her husband's familiar scent surround her. She had buried her face in his neck as he carried her out of the ballroom.

They were now moving through an empty hallway, nearing the base of the stairs that led to their room. The hallway was dimly lit by faint candlelight.

"I can walk on my own," she muttered. Her cheeks were slightly flushed but if she were being honest after a few days without him it felt wonderful to be wrapped in his embrace again.

He didn't respond, didn't even look down to acknowledge that he had heard her.

"Please put me down" she said in a slightly more annoyed tone due to his lack of acknowledgement. Her breath gently brushed across the shell of his ear...still no response but she could have sworn she saw his sharp jaw clench just a little.

"Riftan," her voice now a cross between a whine and moan, "please ju-"

Several things happened all at once. Riftan placed her on her feet, backed her up against the nearest stone wall, pinned her hands above her head, and pressed his large frame flush against hers. Just for a second, she saw the flames of the candles reflect in his eyes, making his dangerous gaze appear even more deadly. She couldn't hold back a shudder that ran through her body as her husband looked at her like a lion about to devour its prey.

He bent down and captured her lips between his own, stealing all the air from her lungs. Her toes curled as his warm tongue explored every inch of her mouth. His other hand slid across the velvet fabric of her dress, moving along the side of her body from her chest down to her hip. She fought in vain against his hand which was still restraining her own.

They eventually broke the heated kiss allowing Maxi to catch her breath. As she panted heavily Riftan began leaving a hot trail of kisses down her throat. She gasped and squirmed a bit as he nipped at the sensitive spot at the junction of her neck and shoulder.

"I'm going to kill him." Riftan said in a deep icy tone.

"Please don't," she said in a breathless but genuinely concerned tone. She knew her husband probably wouldn't murder Hebaron but he would definitely give him hell for the next week or so.

"He put his hands on you," he growled as the recent memory came flooding back causing his anger to rise again.

"We were dancing, it was necessary," she shot back. She paused before adding quietly, "I was lonely, and you didn't want to dance- "

"Of course I would have danced with you," he said plainly as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"How was I supposed to know?! You never asked, you didn't even greet me when I came in!" her voice now rising even higher.

"Well, you never greeted me after you arrived. Besides, I thought you didn't enjoy dancing," he said matter-of-factly.

"It's not that I don't care for dancing, I'm just inexperienced," she now spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I certainly never danced at any of the balls held at Croix Castle." She suppressed a shiver at the uncomfortable memories that briefly flashed through her mind. Struck with a sudden dose of boldness she dared to add with a sly smirk, "Thankfully, Sir Nirta was a very good teacher."

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