that awful feeling

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that awful feeling
your five
maybe six
you've just stuffed your face at a sleepover.
you come home,
run to the bathroom.

that awful feeling
your seven
maybe eight
you've rolled down a hill
it's Easter

that awful feeling
your nine
maybe ten
you have PE
right after lunch

that awful feeling
your eleven
maybe twelve
you have to do presentation
on front of your whole class

that awful feeling
your thirteen
maybe fourteen
you wake up
to go to school
you leave your room
you go out of the house
you talk to someone
that awful feeling.

that wave
your throat closes
head panics
this won't be fun.

when you're young
you feel sick,
go home,
get some rest.
your stomach hurts,
go home,
take a warm bath.
your head hurts,
go to a quiet place,
drink some water.
you cut yourself,
clean it with this wipe,
put a plaster on it,
brave girl.

when you're a teenager
you feel sick,
take a deep breath,
the nausea will pass,
you're just nervous.
your stomach hurts,
take two ibuprofen.
your head hurts,
got don't be dramatic,
have a drink,
you're dehydrated,
probably all that coffee.
you cut yourself,
don't tell anyone,
they'll think you're mad,
emo, haha.

when did
"take a few days off honey
come back when you're better"
"don't mess up your attendance
you don't want to get behind in class
exam season remember?"

it's funny how things change,
it's almost as if
people are meant to be superhuman
once they pass ten.
no illness
no accidents
no mistakes.

next time nausea hits
or your stomach hurts
or you have a headache
or you cut yourself.
treat it like you should
like you would
a child.

by o.p.

why are we all expected to be superhuman?

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