Chapter 4

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Connie was dragging you, and it leaves you felt really nervous

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Connie was dragging you, and it leaves you felt really nervous. You take an immediate stop and pull your hand from his. You consider the prospect that if you went, they would undoubtedly discover your pretense ignorance, and you would need to take action to prevent it.

He gives you a perplexed and surprised face
“Connie look, I have so much more important things to do than this, I know you guys can handle this without me.” You said before turning around to leave.

Connie wipes hi face with his hands in utter frustration. Without a second thought, he grabbed your hand again, saying, “You’re the medic of our team, you’re supposed to be within this kind of matter.”

You attempted to escape his grasp, but he was right, if you do nothing and ignore they may fire you and have you leave; if this occurs, your mission will be a failure.

Damn it! “Okay, I’ll do it but let my hand go.” You said to him in defeat, you always leave with no choice, so you guess there aren’t any here for you.

“…sorry, I was just…I was stressed out, Eren is only our hope, and we can’t afford losing him.” He said as he finally let go of your hand. You only took a sigh as you understand what he feels.

Eren is a titan shifter, who possesses the power of turning a titan with the will of his. He is only capable of doing it, and he is their only best weapon against all odd. He won’t eat me alive, right?

You started to imagine a scenario in which, if they find out of whom you are and what your true intentions, they might feed you to the titans. When you consider those scenarios, you get the chills because they might end up happening for real. You can’t risk getting caught.

“Eren!” A loud voice echoed across the place makes you shudder upon arrival. It's Mikasa's voice. Eren appeared very pale as he lay on the bed unconscious.

As you stare at this poor kid, he was really in bad shape and left you wondering what did really happen. “Section Commander Hange and Captain Levi are not around and they were panicking on what to do.”

They were worrying about what to do because Hange and Levi were not around, and you were the only person can help them as they hope. You remembered you were with Levi earlier and almost completed your mission, if Armin hadn’t shown up. You only stare at Eren, got nothing idea of what you should with this.

Everyone in the squad was in confused as they look at you as you only stand there staring Eren, well they were expecting you to do something with this and you didn’t even bring anything with you. You have no single idea.

“Uhm…h-he…he needed space.” Finally, you say something, but they as expected they only look at you with confusion. You’re getting to feel tense up of how you should handle this.

You gulp dryly before you walk towards them, and pushing them away from Eren and towards to the door. “I mean, no crowd, let me do this alone. Can you uhm…leave first.” You said trying to think on what you should do next.

They give you a bewildered looks because of what you are telling them, but then they still exited the room. You close the door as they finally leave. You exhaled rapidly in a state of terror.

“What’s the next step? Should I call Leisel or bring him to the infirmary? This is driving me crazy.”

You turn to face Eren, who continues to appear pale. You approached him and leaned in to touch his forehead, imagining that he might be ill. You suddenly yank your hand away from him because you can feel how hot he was.

“All right, he is sick. What must I do if he’s sick? I’ve never…” You pause for a moment as you recall something.

You recall Elias treating you when you were sick, and you recall him applying a warm towel to you. You instantly got to your feet and take your move headed towards the infirmary.

As you arrived you yelled, “Leisel!” You called , and Leisel came running up to you in a panic, “W-what’s wrong?” She asked, you drew her into the corner and said, “Can you get me some medicine for high fever?”

Since you were unsure about the appropriate medication for high fever, you instead asked Leisel for assistance without hesitation. You’re nervous while you speak to her, hoping that it won’t come across as suspicious.

She gave a quick nod before getting the medicine. You proceeded to get a towel and warm water that you all needed. “Here,” She said giving you medicine you asked for, she was really confuse on what is going on, but you don’t want to explain to her and instead you take it from her and you rushed leaving, saying, “Thanks Leisel.”

As you returned, you softly gasped when you saw Eren sitting on his bed with his head facing the ground. He seems so frail, and perhaps that’s because his body felt so heavy. “Eren, you’re sick, you should stay still.” You said and helped him go back into bed. “Y/N?”

You placed the warm towel over his forehead after drinking the medicine you brought. “I should get back to train, I’m-,” You cut him off by shaking your head in disaproval. “Don’t overwork yourself, you’re looking so fatigue.”

You now understand why he collapsed and turned pale. He was worn out. He needed some downtime to recuperate and regain his strength. “Get back to sleep now for you to heal.”

His pale complexion worried you. You’re starting to feel pity on this kid since he was carrying such a heavy responsibility and he’s only a kid. He is the hope of humanity and it feels you sad.

He only stare at you couldn’t argue as he is feeling so weak, he took a deep sigh before closing his eyes, and it only just for a while, he finally fell asleep. You stay there with him to monitor him and hoping that his temperature will drop back to normal.

The door suddenly opens causing you to jump in surprised. Damn it, it scares me. “Oh, I didn’t mean to startle you, how’s Eren?” You calm yourself as you found who it was.

As he walked in he approached Eren on the bed, whose sleeping peacefully. “He was fatigue, he pushed his body so hard until it gave up.” You said, you fall back instinctively as he turns to face you and meet his eyes. You’re unusually being like this when Levi is around, not knowing why.

You remained quiet as Levi just stood there looking back at Eren without saying anything. When he came the atmosphere become awkward. You didn’t dare to say anything and chose to stay silent as you lacked to do so.

After a short moment, you recoiled when he suddenly turned to face you and stated, “He’ll recover soon, and you, you’re going to join us tomorrow.” In all honesty, you’re scared to be with them, you’re afraid that they might catch you if you keep being with them. They might suspect you before you could kill Levi. You’re only here to kill him and not to be one of them.

“I’m-,” you were about to decline him as he suddenly said interrupting you, “Don’t say anything, and just participate. I’ll go for now and you should keep on watching Eren. Don’t do anything stupid.”

You watched him exited the room and sighed as the door close. It is becoming heavier. You won’t be able to participate tomorrow because you’re going to carry your mission tonight. You have to do it sooner before it’s too late.

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