Chapter 5

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It had been a week and a bit since that last accident, and Jason was doing OK in his own words. He wasn't a fan of the constant fatigue his limbs felt but he could manage himself all right.

Jason found it funny. He hadn't been alone down in the cave with Dick by himself since then aswell. Dick was apparently busy with a case he had just found a lead on.

And, if that was the circumstance Jason didn't know why Dick was still in Gotham. Why not go back to Bludhaven? This shithole definitely didn't need an extra bat running around the streets at night. And Bludhaven definitely needed it more.

Well Jason was going to contradict himself there. Without the Red Hood out regulating the crime rate, he could only imagine the hell that was now Crime Alley.
So yeah Dick, knock yourself out. Jason couldn't give a flying fuck anymore.

It was mostly Tim, Damian and Alfred who came regularly to check up on him. Y'know-- to check that he hasn't bolted at the first chance he gets. It was extremely tempting he will admit.

Alfred had suggested he stayed in the manor now, where everything was easily accessible to him. Jason had almost choked on the food he was eating when Alfred had said that. He'd rather be seen dead than to appear one foot into the manor.
Bruce had made it crystal clear that he had no place in this family anymore.

However, no-one was letting it go. And now they were all trying to convince him to go up into the manor. God, he couldn't catch a break.

"Oh for fuck sake-- what is it this time?" Jason pressed the heel of his hand to his eyes, putting enough pressure on them that he started to see shapes and bursts of colour.

Tim-fucking-Drake waltzed in with a shoebox in his hands, a large shit-eating grin plastered onto his face. Damian followed behind. Like he always does. And quite frankly, Jason wanted to cry bloody murder. He hasn't gone over one hour without interruption and he can't even sleep without fucking supervision.

And God was his patience running low.

"Just some things you might want to see." Tim quipped, then narrowed his eyes at him, "you'll like it-- I think. I wouldn't be worrying. It's not a bomb or anything."
Jason almost wishes it was.

From what he could see, the box was no bigger than a shoebox at most. Tim placed it on the side of the bed beside Jason. Damian hovered by close enough, distracted by something on the Bat computer. Although Jason couldn't see from here what exactly drew his interest so much.

His attention spanned back to Tim, who was sitting very close across from him.
"What's in the box dipshit." Jason sighed lifting it up. It was light enough, so it couldn't contain anything that would be heavier than a small book.

He gave Tim a look, then opened the slightly worn out cardboard lid off. What he saw was definitely not what he was expecting. Honestly, he wouldn't never even thought this.
The first thing he saw was a whole stack of pictures piled on top of eachother, there had to be at least 300 in the box. At least.

"What the shit Repla-- Tim. Is this me?" Jason stuttered out whilst grabbing the first picture he saw that was on the top of the pile. Jason's chest felt tight, he couldn't describe the feeling he felt. It wasn't bad. But he didn't know if it was entirely good either.

"Uh-- yeah. I was pretty obsessed with Robin a while back."

The picture was of Jason, in the signature red, green and yellow Robin costume, seemingly laughing with Batman. He had never seen Bruce smile like that. When was this? Jason's mind was foggy, he was flustered and the immense amount of drugs he was on sure didn't help either.

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