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"I've told you a million times before, Erin." Ryan spoke with his mouth full, chewing away on his lunch, "That boy is into you."

"No, that's not how it works. People like Steve Harrington aren't into people like us." Erin rolled her eyes, flinching away from Ryan with a face of disgust as his food flew from his mouth as he spoke. "Besides, I'm pretty sure he's dating Nancy Wheeler now."

"What do you mean 'people like us'?" Ryan asked with a frown, kicking at some of the stones below his shoes.

"People who can work out that Nancy and  Steve are together from the weird pouty face she pulls every time she sees him." Erin smiled, leaning into Ryan's side. "People who eat their lunches on a wall over looking Hawkins Middle so they can work out who's missing."

That's exactly what they were doing in that moment, as strange as it made them look. The two schools were only moments away from each other, and as they had separate lunch times, it really wasn't as creepy as it sounded.

"Well, do people like us ever find out?" Ryan sighed.

"Of course we do!" Erin reassured him with a smile, chewing on her own sandwich. "We're about to crack it, I can feel it."

"Well, it looks like your brother already has." Ryan scoffed as a police car pulled up to the doors of Hawkins Middle School. The pair watched as Hopper and Phil climbed out, the sound of the doors slamming barely audible due to the noise from the high school.

Erin cursed Phil for not telling her the boy's name this morning. If he had, she would have probably found him by now. She'd have biked around the whole town and found him —

Erin stopped her own thought. Her eyes darted to the bike rack of the middle school and quickly scanned what was there. Almost everyone cycled to school in middle school - especially if they were boys.

"That kid you babysit. He has a bright green bike, right?" Erin asked Ryan. She knew that his parents had forced him to get a job when he started high school, and that job just so happened to be babysitting a boy at Hawkins Middle that Erin couldn't quite remember the name of.

"Yeah, Dustin Henderson. But his bike's there, at the side." Ryan pointed out, but Erin knew that already. "I wasn't asked to look after him last night 'cause he was at his friends house playing Dungeons and Dragons."

Erin nodded, popping some of her grapes in her mouth. "Which friend?"

"I don't know," Ryan scoffed, not entirely sure where Erin was going with this. Dustin's bike was there, clear as day. "He's usually goes to his friend Mike's, I think."

"Nancy Wheeler's little brother." Erin confirmed.

2 bikes.

"Yeah." Ryan nodded along, as if he was in the same wavelength as her. "And Jonathan Byers' little brother too, I'm pretty sure. Will."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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