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Charlie was on her way to visit a family friend with Vaggie, this family friend of Charlie was someone who is very close to her, she remembered when he was there at 666 News to support her.


Charlie & Vaggie were walking towards the limousine as they had just got kicked out of 666 News

"Charlie." A voice said

They turned & saw a red Imp with white blotches on the right side of his face, large curved black & white striped horns, red eyes with yellow sclera, & a black heart-shaped skull symbol on his forehead. He was wearing a tattered slate-gray collared coat with red buttons, black knee-high boots, elbow length black fingerless gloves with large rounded yellow decorations on the upper side of them, & a red skull charm around his neck.

"Hey Blitzø, I'm sorry you had to see all that." Charlie said

"Don't worry, what's more important is that you did your best." Blitzø smiled in comfort

"Well, technically it wasn't good enough." Charlie sighed "I'm beginning to think Dad was right about me."

"Charlie, stop that, you are not a failure." Blitzø said "You wanna know what I see in you, I see a huge success with a lot of great potential. You're dad just hasn't seen it yet being the stubborn asshole he's acting since this whole redemption project."

"Thank you, Blitzø." Charlie smiled as she hugged him "& thank you for being here for support."

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Blitzø said as he kissed her forehead "If you ever need any help, you know where to find me, okay?"

"Okay." Charlie said

"Come on, Charlie, let's go look for Angel Dust." Vaggie said

"Alright, bye Blitzø." Charlie said

"See ya later, Charlie." Blitzø said

Flashback End

Charlie & Vaggie arrived at the building & entered a company called I.M.P. also known as the Immediate Murder Professionals

"Blitzø." Charlie said

"Hey, there's my girl." Blitzø smiled as they hugged & he spun her around "Hey Vaggie, how you guys been?"

"We're doing great." Vaggie smiled

"Everyone, you all remember Charlie." Blitzø said

"Hey guys, Loona, Moxxie, Millie." Charlie said

"Howdy Charlie." Millie said

"Good afternoon, your highness." Moxxie said simply

"Sup, Charlie." Loona said

"What brings you two here?" Blitzø asked

"There's something I want to talk to you guys about." Charlie said

"Alright, let's talk about it in the meeting room." Blitzø said

When they were all in the meeting room

"Okay, what is it you wanna talk about?" Blitzø said

"Well, I need your help, do you think you can help us?" Charlie said

"Sure." Blitzø said

"Absolutely." Millie said

"Why not?" Loona shrugged

"No promises." Moxxie said

"Okay, I understand that you help your clients get revenge on someone who screwed them over when they were alive, so I was wondering if you guys could send your clients to the Hazbin Hotel so that they can be redeemed into Heaven." Charlie said

"Charlie, we—MMPH!" Moxxie muffled as his mouth was cover by Blitzø

"Of course we can, Charlie, anything to help you succeed in your redemption plan." Millie smiled

"Luckily, we've had a few clients so far, so will be able to give them a call & we'll try to persuade them into getting themselves redeemed at the hotel." Blitzø said

"Don't force them, please we don't want you to do anything like scaring or threatening them into getting themselves redeemed, okay?" Vaggie said

"Alright, have it your way." Blitzø said

"Are we gonna get paid for this?" Loona asked

"Oh, uh...am I supposed to?" Charlie said awkwardly

"No, Charlie, you don't have to pay us anything, your gratitude is enough to pay for us." Blitzø said

"Aw, Thank you Blitzø, you're the best." Charlie smiled "Also, can you please remove the 'kids dies for free' thing?"

"Fine, I'll remove it." Blitzø said

After Charlie & Vaggie left

"Sir, what was that for?" Moxxie said

"Moxxie, I couldn't have you say anything that will crush Charlie's hopes, it's not fair." Blitzø said

"Well, it's also not fair to raise people's hopes." Moxxie said "I understand that you're trying to help, but don't you think it's too late for our previous clients to be redeemed since they got their revenge."

"If Charlie doesn't think it's too late for them, then I don't think it's too late for them either." Blitzø said "Look, I know Charlie's whole redemption idea is impossible, but that isn't gonna stop her from trying. Besides, I believe in her unlike her father who's not supporting her."

"Alright sir, if you say so." Moxxie said "You know, it's not gonna be easy redeeming sinners into Heaven."

"Yeah, I know..." Blitzø said "Don't give up, Charlie, no matter what."

Meanwhile Cherri Bomb was visiting the Hazbin Hotel where she saw Sir Pentious

"Wow, I had to see it, to believe it." Cherri smiled amusingly

"Oh no, not you." Pentious groaned

"Did you miss me, old man." Cherri said

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Pentious said

"I've gotta get a selfie with this." Cherri said as she took a selfie

"Do you mind? I'm busy." Pentious said

"With what? You're not doing anything since there's no one staying in this hotel." Cherri said

"Help me." Pentious prayed mentally

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