Y/n's bio

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Name: Y/n Nakamura

Name: Y/n Nakamura

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Gender: Female

Species: Half alien? (Still not sure on this one :v)

Powers/Abilities: Elemental Powers, telekinesis, and instant healing.

*Water and Ice

A Little Info about Y/n.

Also in this story, I'll be using "You" not "Her" or "She" like before.

You finally accepted who and what you are after a lot of self-convincing after they had defeated Bo Rara, Fang offered you on going to space with him so that you two would look for more information about your past.

But you declined, leaving Boboiboy and Tok Aba behind didn't sit right with you, and the thought of being away from your only family left, hurt you deep inside so that's why you decided to stay. (Which made Boboiboy cry in happiness)

Time passed, and a lot of things changed about you. Your hair grew longer, almost touching the back of your knees, Boboiboy would LOVE to help you tie your hair and decorate it with flowers.


Yesssss!!! Boboiboy Galaxy everyone!

I tried so hard to squeeze this one on my to-do list since I know a lot of you are waiting for this moment to come, though I can't guarantee to upload every two days unlike before since now. I'm in my last grade in senior high school and will be going to college soon while also being a working student but meh, I care about my readers so I will still be uploading and nothing will stop me even if it's school or work.

My schedule in college will be tight since I'll be a working student, studying and a varsity for taekwondo so yeah it will be a tight schedule for me soon.

Anyways, I still have my works on draft and I'm not sure if I'll be making some drawings because of all my work..... But if I ever have free time I will draw of course and since I have three drawings of Y/n's elements I guess it won't hurt to show you guys so if you wanna see it's just underneath 

 But if I ever have free time I will draw of course and since I have three drawings of Y/n's elements I guess it won't hurt to show you guys so if you wanna see it's just underneath 

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I removed the names and just gonna stick it with [Name], the elements' personalities will be the same though

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I removed the names and just gonna stick it with [Name], the elements' personalities will be the same though. So yeah! I only drew three but I'll be making more soon so that I can draw some mini-comics XD.

I also changed Y/n's appearance since I've been receiving a lot of readers saying I should turn Y/n to an OC but of course, I don't want that since I want all my readers to enjoy the story as Y/n or [Name], not an OC and the only reason I put the colors is that I wanted to draw Y/n and Boboiboy together.

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