Good Doctor/Riordanverse: The Bloody Fiancé

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Everything went wrong from the minute Nico slipped. Miranda had never wished more than that moment in the ambulance as she repeated over and over not to touch him, that she could use a phone. The paramentics were watching her with a weary eye as if she was insain. All Miranda could do as she shifted between muttering chants below her breath and repeating to the parametics not to touch him.

Since Nico had returned a second time from Tartarus he'd had a strange and, in cases like this, inconvenient problem of being capable of drawing life from any human, and to a lesser extent monster when ever contact occurred with the boy's bare skin or blood. Concidering he now was suffering from a severe injury to his leg and left torso there was a lot of blood and bare fleash. To make it worse the surgical rubber gloves were of no protection, as was the case with most unatural fibres and magic. It may prevent the welder but was no protection for the victim. Only children of Apollo it seemed could withstand any contact longer then a few minutes with Nico in such a way. The chanting was just as much for her sake as it was Nico's.

Miranda was exhausted by the time the ambulance arrived.
"Where are we?" Miranda asked one of the Paramedics.
"San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital," he replied.
Miranda committed it to memory. Camp Jupiter was closest, she'd have Hazel send any Apollo resedents that were healers. She didn't have enough of her father's healing gift to do this alone, particularly when half of her ability was being used in a subconscious defense.
"Miss your going to have to leave him now we have to hand him over to the doctors," the female paramedic told her taking hold of a shoulder as if she were in shock.
"I'm not moving you can't touch him,"
The paramedic pursed her lips, decided not to waste time instead moving the cot with her still sitting beside Nico, covering both major wounds with her hands. She continued to mutter beneith her breath.

"Mam, you need to leave him alone now, let us take care of him," a male Doctor was next to her up. She ignored him and continued muttering under her breath.
"I don't know if this is some religious thing but-"
"It's religious," came the sudden and quick response. "She is chanting in Greek in order to keep him stable."
She knew that voice and the Doctors next words confermed her suspicions.
"Doctor Murphy I don't know how you think that chanting is going to keep this man stable but he is going to die if she doesn't leave him so we can begin working."
"Thank Apollo, Shaun I need you to take over, they can't touch him okay," she turned her head to where her brother's mind was already far way solving the problem. "I'm going to call Hazel and then Will. I need you to keep him stable. They can't touch him, okay Shaun?"

Her brother moved forward without a reply but Miranda was use to that reaction. She didn't look back as she ran for the nearest bathroom.
"Oh Iris goddess of Rainbows show me Hazel at camp Jupiter."
Hazel was in the middle of a meeting when the message came through.
"Sorry I'll be with you in half an hour, there was-" she broke off as she saw the worry in Miranda's face. "What happened?"
"Monster attack, Nico, I need any Apollo healers you have stat at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital," she swipped her hand through the rainbow just before Hazel could ask any questions.
"Iris goddess of Rainbows show me Will Solace. I don't know where he is but it is an emergency."
Will was in his an Nico's apartment.
"Miranda what's wrong I thought you and Hazel were going with Nico to sort out his suit for the -"
"We were but Nico and I were attacked. We're at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital. Laceration to the upper leg and left torso. Hazel's sending help and Shaun's here already."
"I'm on my way,"
It was Will who cut off the message this time and Miranda rushed out back the way she'd come.

Nico was gone.
"Where's he gone?"
A female Doctor approached her. "They've moved him to a ward, Shaun's with him why don't you and I go to the waiting area.
"Please that's my brother's fiancé and you can't help him. I need to get to him,"
"You look barely sixteen," the doctor attempted to rationalize. "Let the doctors do they're job. You trust Shuan don't you?" It was almost half a challenge.
"He can't do it alone,"
"He's not alone, Dr. Melendez and Kalu are both in there with him,"
"Which ward?"
Before the doctor had a chance to answer a nurse came out to her.
"They just collapsed," he told her. "Dr. Murphy's asking for the girl."
Miranda got a cold feeling, "they're breathing right."
"Yes," he looked at her like she was crazy.
"Lead on,"
The nurse deferred to the Doctor who bit her lipo and shrugged. They both followed.

"I need a..." Shaun said the minute the walked in and the doctor rushed to get it for him. "His legg is fine. It needs sutures." He added momentarily looking up at Miranda.
She nodded. Going over to the surgical bench and collected what was needed.
"You can't touch him," she told the doctor as she went to take the instruments from her. "Trust me I've helped with worse."
Shaun was asking for something else now and the doctor, still biting her lip retrieved it.

Miranda wiped the area, realising that the wound wasn't nearly as bad as she thought. Another downside to Nico's gift. The fact that half of her gift was focused inwards stopped her from gaging the extent of damage.

Miranda swayed as she finished the first claw mark. There were three other, both shorter but she was about to pass out.
"Move," came Will's voice from behind her. His hand steadying her as she staggered. "Get cleaned up and go wait with Hazel."
"Cabin 20," he said taking the needle from her hand. "Go."
It was an order and she complied.

Hazel came up to her the moment she entered the waiting room.
"What's going on?" she asked, "Is Nico okay."
"Nothing happened that hasn't happened before," Miranda said, collapsing into a chair, heedless of the blood that covered her pants and sleeves. Hazel shoved a familiar looking brownie at her.
"I thought Roman's didn't use ambrosia?"
"Will brought it. Gave stricked instructions that you were to take it the minute you came out," Hazel told her, an attempt at humour through her worry.
"We'd best adhere to the doctor's orders hey,"
Hazel just nodded silently as both girls attention became fix on the door of the waiting room.

Ten minutes later Will appeared to announce the good news. Nico was stable and was recovering nicely.

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