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Lindsey tilted his head to one side, trying to make out what he was looking at. Biology had never been his strongest suit in high school, but the cross-section diagrams and models that covered the walls and surfaces in the office looked terrifying. How does a whole person fit in there?

"How do I look?" He turned as Stevie appeared from behind a curtain wearing a blue hospital gown. The thing was so big on her it looked like a ballgown and he had to stifle a laugh. "Thanks. Just the ego boost I need right now."

He stood to help her climb on to the bed before holding her face in his hands and kissing her forehead.

"You look beautiful."

"I look ridiculous," she corrected, swinging her legs like a kid off the side of the bed as he sat back down. "How much longer do you think she'll be?"

"Dunno. Hey," she looked at him. "Everything is gonna be fine."

She took comfort from his reassuring smile and absent-mindedly ran her hand over her rounded belly.

It had been a week since she found out. As soon as the show finished she dragged Lindsey back to her dressing room and delivered the news, not wanting to wait a second longer than necessary. She'd always believed in tackling difficult situations head on and this was no exception.

He had been completely floored; she had to repeat it 3 times before he grasped what she was saying. It felt as though a million thoughts had run through his mind at once, before being obliterated when he saw the fear and vulnerability in her eyes. Nothing else mattered, only her. He had wrapped himself around her and promised everything would be ok, no matter what happened next, he would always be there, however she needed him. Neither of them had any idea what it meant for their own relationship, but that wasn't important right now. They'd figure that out as they went along.

Together with Sharon and Chris, he had formed a protective shield around her, making sure she had everything she needed at all times until the first opportunity to get to back to LA to see her OB-GYN, which brought them to today.

She shot him a nervous glance as the door opened and he winked at her. It didn't matter that his own heart was pounding in his chest. He had to be her strength.

"Stevie - good to see you," the doctor smiled, before turning to Lindsey. "And a pleasure to meet you; I'm Dr Fairbanks - may I call you Lindsey?"

"Sure," he shook her offered hand.

"Ok, we have a lot to do today," she sat at her desk, gesturing to the paperwork in front of her. "But first and foremost, how are you feeling?"

Stevie opened her mouth to speak, but the only sound that came out was a faint croak before she burst into tears. Lindsey sprung to her side, wrapping an arm around her and smiling apologetically at the doctor.

"She - this happens a lot."

"Totally understandable, hormones are a funny thing, especially under the circumstances. I guess this came as a surprise?"

"You could say that. We're still both in shock. We got drunk at a party and -"

"Lindsey!" She gathered herself enough to jab an elbow into his ribs. "She doesn't have to know that."

Dr Fairbanks laughed.

"No, I don't - but if it definitely happened then it would be helpful to know the date of this party?"

"June 24."

"Great." She made a note. "Now, I don't want to cause any great alarm or upset, but as you may be aware the older you are, the higher the risks with the pregnancy. And at your age, getting pregnant in the first place is - well, I looked into it, and the chances are less than 1% of conceiving naturally. And the more you, ah, try, the higher those chances are of course. So if, as you say, this was a spontaneous, one off occurrence - well it's nothing short of miraculous that we're even sitting here."

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