meeting the bailey boys (chapter 2)

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I stood their a little nervous of what is gonna happen. "Boys, come down here right now" Stella said. I heard so many footsteps charging down the steps and then when they reached the bottom, 7 boys stood in front of me. I was staring at them, they were all goddesses! Even the 12 year old! I felt a little self conscious, but I then remembered how I looked before I left, good thing I ended up getting ready. "Boys introduce yourself please!" Stella said as she walked away " I'll be right back Carley, I'm going to get a shower." "Okay, cya Stella." I responded. I was soon interrupted by a shy voice-  "hello I am tanner, I am 12 years old and I play football. May I ask,why your here?" " Hi tanner I'm Carley, I'm 16 and I'm living with you guys because  my parents died." " Oh I'm sorry,  I  didn't know", he said in a cute  voice. He was adorable with his blonde shaggy hair and deep blue eyes. Then I heard someone say " hello sexy, I'm Colton and I'm 14, I'm into track and soccer. He was really cute but his ego was gross. I responded kind of rude, " that's not my name, thank you." " feisty I like that, he winked." He wasn't that bad looking with his bright green eyes and jet black hair.  "Sorry about my brother" this boy with light brown hair and Carmel eyes said. " I'm Ben, my real name is Benjamin,but please call me Ben." " I'm 15 and I play hockey." He was hot, he had a sharp jaw line and a golden tan. " nice to meet you Ben, you seem really cool." I said "Hey, I'm Jonah, I'm 16 and I'm really into track and field." He gave me a big smile, his teeth were really white and his hair was dark brown and super curly. He wasn't the definition of hot but his bright blue eyes were cute. Don't get me wrong none of them were ugly but he wasn't  the best looking one, ben was cuter. " HI Jonah, I love track, I won first in states, I bet I'm faster." He smirked, " you wish shortie"! "Hey I'm not that short!" I had heels on but he was still way taller, I could tell we were going to be best friends. " excuse me, but I'm kody, Jonahs twin, also 16. I'm quarterback on the football team, now if you don't mind your blocking the way to the kitchen." He was the hottest one I have seen yet, he was way taller then me and really built, his muscles stood out through his tight shirt. He had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes that were so light they could be Gray. He had the hottest tan going on too. But he was rude and I was not going to let that slide. " nice to meet you too asshole." He turned around shocked " stay the hell away from me."  He said. " gladly", I gave him the biggest fake smile I could. I don't know what his problem is with me, but oh well. "Hey babe, I'm Logan, I'm 17 and I'm the hottest one in the family." " I wrestle and if you want to learn how I can practice on you, he said with a wink." He was not the hottest one, but he was cute, he had the darkest brown hair and they darkest brown eyes, he scared me a little the way he smirked at me. He was built, maybe even bigger than kody. His ego is way to big. " Hey Logan, call me babe one more time and it won't end well, I nearly yelled. And by the way I rather not learn how." He just grinned and then did the most unexpected thing, grabbed my butt. Oh hell no!!!!!!! " fuck you" I said and I slapped him in the face. " later, babe" he said smiling. I give up with him it's like he could care less if I just smacked him. " omg that was so funny, I can't believe you actually slapped him!" I heard a boy with bleach blonde hair and bright blue eyes say. He wasn't as built as Logan and kody, but still  decent, but his looks were incredibly stunning! He was so cute! " haha he is such a perve!" I said laughing. " yeah he is a player, and by the way I am Drake, I'm 18, the oldest of the Bailey brothers. I'm not to into sports, I like to ride quads and just party, you know" he said " yeah, I know lol. Nice to meet you drake, I can tell were going to be good friends!" " sounds great" said drake. "Now let me show you to your room." We went up so many stairs and so many turns, I would never remember where to go. Drake said " here's your room, it's right beside kody"s." Great I thought, he hates me so much. I entered my room and was amazed, I have white carpets, white walls, a white bed and a white desk top. It was so nice and clean, also bigger than my whole living room and kitchen combined. I have my own bathroom too! I was so busy admiring my room I forgot drake was there. "Do you like it?" he asked. "I freaking love it!!!" I said. "Good." He chuckled. "Its getting late, goodnight Carley, I'm glad you came, it's nice to have a girl in the house." "Thanks drake, thanks for everything." I said. "No problem Carley" he said as he shut my door. I changed into some pink booty shorts and matched them with a white tank top that said  "sleep" in the same colour pink as my shorts. Then I thought about my day and the boys and  drifted off to sleep.

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