Tragedy-chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Carley Long and I am 16 years old. I have deep brown hair that reaches my hips, and crystal blue eyes that any guy would fall for. I am fairly skinny considering all the sports I do. I cheer, do track, volleyball, and lacrosse. I'm about 5"6 and I'm really tan, I'm naturally tan but it's summer so I am currently dark. My life was going just the way I wanted, I was head cheerleader and most popular in the school. Also I have amazing friends and family. That all changed an hour ago. *flashback*

I was sitting on the couch watching divergent and my mom texted me- " be home in 5 minutes love you!" I couldn't wait to see my mom, Dad, an  older brother Kaleb, they're coming home from vacation. I was staring out my kitchen window counting down the minutes. Finally, I see the familiar white jeep about 50 feet away. I was so excited, I ran outside and stood waiting on the porch. But then something terrible happened, a bunch of drunk boys came flying around the corner, crashing right into the car, causing the whole thing to burn into flames. I stood there, shocked at first, I thought I was gonna stop breathing. Then, the tears came tumbling out and they didn't stop till I couldn't cry anymore. The neighbours called the police and that's when I knew my life has changed. The police said that I would be staying with one of my mother's old friends, Stella and Brice. I don't even remember them but apparently they used to be really close with my mother before they moved to California. They said she caught the quickest flight and would be here in 4 hours. I nodded, and walked into my two story house and went straight to my room. *end of flashback*

Now I am in my room packing all my stuff. I started with my closet, which easily took up 8 suitcases. Then I grabbed a picture of my family, it was a beautiful picture of us at the beach, were all laughing and we all look so much alike. I packed a few extra things like my toothbrush, makeup, shampoo and conditioner, straightener, and one valuable thing of my mom, Dad, and brother. After about 3 hours of packing I was finished with a total of 9 suitcases. I had an hour to spare before Stella would get here, so I decided to text a few of my friends. First, I texted Laila,

Me- hey lai, I'm moving to Cali, my parents got in an accident. Sorry I don't have time to say goodbye, I'll call you later, love car

I have a lot of friends but I decided I only wanted to text laila since she was my closest and I didn't really feel like explaining to anyone else  what happened. I checked  the time, 30 minutes left.   I Went and looked in the mirror, I look like crap, my face is all red and blotchy from crying. I decided crying didn't make anything better so I went in my suitcase and picked out the first thing I could find. It was a strapless peach dress that was short, actually really  short. I then matched it with 5 inch peach heels. Then I went to the bathroom and applied some foundation, which helped my face alot, now you couldn't even tell I was crying. I applied some black eyeliner, white eyeshadow, some mascara, and peach lip gloss to top it off. I curled my hair into loose curls and checked my reflection in the mirror, I looked hot for just crying. 10 minutes to spare, I decided to take on  last glance at everything around the house,  I  sure was  going to miss waking up to the smell of my dad's homemade pancakes, while hearing my mom's beautiful laugh, and my brother picking on me. My phone buzzed

Laila- WHAT! Explain everything later! I'm gonna miss u so much! Ily car!

I wasn't in the mood to text back, that isn't rude is it? No for God's sakes your family just died! A tear was just about to slip until I heard the doorbell ring. I walked slowly over to the door and opened it. "Omg Carley, you've grown up so much since I last saw you! Hun your gorgeous, and  I am so very sorry about your loss."
I was guessing this was Stella, she seemed really nice but i wasn't  in the mood. I decided to say back, a little sassy " can I help you?" She looked hurt, but immediately responded "oh yes, sorry I am Stella, your mom's friend, your probably don't remember  Me." " I don't." I said. She smiled, " you will  be living with me until  your old enough to move out." "Oh." Was all I could think to say. Soon enough we were driving to the airport and I was really missing home. When we got on the plane I didn't really know what to say since we just met. But Stella broke the silence. "Did I mention I have 7 boys?" My eyes shot wide open, she must've noticed because  she giggled quietly to herself. "What! 7?"  I said. "Yup, 7, me and you are the only girls in the house." I was curious so I asked to know their names and ages. I found out:
Jonah-16(my age)
Kody- 16 (jonahs twin)
Wow I would have trouble remembering names. Once the plane landed we drove for about 20 minutes and then pulled into this mansion
. "This is your house! How can you afford this?" She laughed and said she was a fashion designer and her husband Brice was an inventer. "Ready to meet the boys?"
Stella said. "Ready then I'll  ever be." I said as we walked through the front door.

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