Hannah's POV

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Are. You. Kidding?!

This isn't a cabin, it's a shack! A broken old shack. This is not what I had in mind after a whole day of chores and walking.

I could hear the two whispering. "Hannah must be pissed." I shot them a look. "Of course I'm pissed! Look at this! Im tired..." Silvie tried to help, "Hey, we can get wood, pillows, or anything else to fix it up."

I sigh, "Well we can't tonight! We don't get payed enough for this."
I walked in with my single flat pillow and layed on the floor.

Silvie turned to me, "You're not going to help are you?" I looked at her and yawned. "You little b-" Arty grabbed her shoulder.

Clearly she was even more sleep deprived then me, earlier she was a little energetic ball of sunshine.

I stood up sleepily, "Fine, just because you guys need a lot of help." Silvie smiled with bags under her eyes. Arty already started removing cobwebs.

I chopped wood to start a wood stove fire while Silvie threw bricks at the window. "It's already broken..." She laughed, "Not enough, with these pointed edges it could hurt someone."

Arty was unbothered, he poored a bucket of water on the dusty wooden planks.

After several hours of hard work, it was midnight. I sat in my bottom bunk and ignored my terrible allergies to the dust.

"Is Hannah asleep?" Silvie asked. I slightly opened my eyes to see Arty's thumb up in the air.
"Is it fine that you're sleeping on the floor? You can steal my bed." Arty grabbed the blanket and dragged it over. "I like the floor."

Silvie scoffed, "Suit yourself." I've never seen Arty like this, if I offered my bed he'd take it no problem.

"Hey, tomorrow is 'our big day', after we defeat a monster or whatever, do you want to do something fun?" I looked to Arty, he was looking at Sylvie with a bright red face. "...what did you have in mind?"

"Going into abandoned, off limit places" She grinned. Arty gave his finger guns, "Right, yes. That, always wanted to try."

Silvie layed back down, "It's not just any old place you know." She continued, "It's where I met Scruff, I was little and he was too. I was lost, but he helped me find my mom." Arty seemed confused, "Scruff?" The hound ghost was visible, "But he's a-" I didn't hear anything after that.


It was 7 a.m, I rubbed my eyes and saw Scruff lying on Arty's chest, slowly wagging his tail.

That's so cu- "WAKEUP EVERYBODYYY" I heard bosses loud and very awake voice, he definitely had too much caffeine. "TODAY'S THE DAY, THE SUN IS SHINING, THE CABIN'S CLEAN, the cabin's clean.... good job." Sylvie yawned, "Why did you give us a broken cabin sir?"

Boss spoke into his walkie, "I needed to know you rangers were up to the task!" I could tell he was proud, but me? I was full of it.

Sylvie sprung up and climbed down the bunk ladder, "Hannah, Arty, get up. We have to go meet boss." I pushed the blanket out of my way, so did Arty.

Arty quickly put the blanket back on, he was only wearing boxers. He searched through his suitcase for clothes and stomped to the bathroom, holding up the heavy blanket.
"Woah, Arty has abs." Sylvie whispered not so quietly.

I heard a car beeping out the 'window', it was boss. I yelled, "Boss is here!" Arty rushed across the cabin with a toothbrush in his mouth and one shoe on.

I put my jacket on and brushed my hair. Somehow I was the first one in the jeep. Boss and I watched as the two ran across the cabin with their jackets half on and bumping into each other.

I feel like they would be faster if they didn't rush. "So. Boss, why didn't you drive us up to the cabin yesterday? You made us walk, shouldn't we preserve our energy?" He put his hand to his chest and laughed, "I need to know you guys are prepared for anything!" I'm going to quit. He is a lot easier to talk to before he had his coffee... somehow.

We were finally ready to leave and they seemed out of breath. "Are you guys done being stupid?" They both gave me a tired look.

Boss drove up Mount Marcy, we saw several F-class frights, he says it stands for failures which is kind of harsh if you ask me.

Sylvie gasped, "What's that?" Boss looked to the left, "Ah, you found one. A C-class fright."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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