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It's currently 2022 as of now and that means that there's a pandemic going around. Though we're supposed to be quarantined, most go outside despite the cases spiking up, this includes students going to school.

I'm currently in my 9th year of school, aka a high schooler.  I should be at school right but I got suspended for a few weeks after somebody accused me of something. That same person is also suspended, but it doesn't matter, people from my school hate me. I don't really know why, but they just hate on me and torment me.

Usually, I just stay in because there's really nothing to do outside if I don't have school. My parents are somewhere offseas, so I'm basically alone. But how do I occupy myself while being alone? I just look on the internet on my computer or phone depending where I'm sitting.

I usually just watching videos on my phone or reading on it. Specifically, I've gotten into this one manga called Tokyo Revengers and I've watched the anime too. Though I like the manga...MOST MY FAVS ARE DEAD NOW.  On the computer, it's just gaming and looking for items I need.

Recently, I've found put how to get into the dark web. To be honest, the items they have there are pretty good, but there's something there that caught me off guard. There was an ad for some apple and clicking on it shows you could buy the apple.

It was an actual apple, but the color wasn't like green, red, or yellow. The apple was some shade of blue. It doesn't have a company name for whoever made this. Not only that, the apple's description says that it could take you somewhere else if you eat the apple. Lastly, the apple had a shipping fee of free, which isn't suspicious at first, until you see how long it delivers, which said instant.

Despite the apple possibly being some scam, I got it. That's right, despite it being probably fake, I got too curious and my impuslive thoughts won. So, I bought it, and the apple costed like 50 dollars. I'm broke now because of that purchase.

By a click of a button, I purchased the apple.


...so when does it-



It suddenly appeared on my desk, scaring the fuck out me. It was to the point I jumped out my chair. Now that I have an weird apple on my desk, maybe I should eat it. It actually looks good to take a bite out of it...it also looks moldy though with that color. Also, I THOUGHT THIS FOR 50 DOLLARS AND I HAVE TO EITHER WAY FUCK.

But what if it tastes bad?




Eatting the apple, it tasted like a normal apple, with food dye, don't ask how I know this. It was crunchy and sweet, like a normal apple. Wait, why the fuck are there chemical I can tastes. DAMNIT, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED THAT SCA-


Shit that hurts..

Wait, I can't feel my body, I can't move. Trying to move, it was no use, I was paralyzed and could only blink. I'm getting tired all the sudden like I haven't slept in days. It suddenly, turned all black.

The apple was a mistake...was it?

Reincarnation Apple (discontinued) [Tokyo Revengers x OC]Where stories live. Discover now