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"Can you believe that Belly asked Cam Cameron to be her escort?" Jeremiah asked as we walked along the beach swinging our hands. 

My sundress flowed in the slight breeze, and I looked up at him, "Yeah, I figured she would go with Con, but I guess they had some argument last night." 

He smirked and I knew whatever came out of his mouth next wasn't going to be good, "So they were fighting while we were-"

I cut him off by shoving his arm lightly, "Don't you dare finish that sentence. Where are we going anyway?"

He smiled down at me, "I know a spot."

"Alright, we can't be gone all day though. I'm supposed to be getting ready for the deb ball."

"I still can't believe you even agreed to do that." he told me.

I sighed, "Well, your mom really wanted me too, and I didn't want to disappoint her."

He snorted, "Are you kidding? My mom could never be disappointed in you, she practically loves you like a daughter... well, daughter-in-law."

I smiled at him, "You are such a dork."

We kept walking along the shore until we got to an area with a cliff above the water, "I hope you wore a swimsuit." Jere smiled down at me.

I looked at him like he was crazy, "There's no way in hell I'm jumping off of that."

He laughed, "Come on, Elle. It will be fun."

"You know I don't like heights!"

He took my hand and pulled my up the hill to the cliff, "Look, we can go at the same time. You'll be fine."

I knew the responsible and smart idea would be to run while I could, but I couldn't deny him when he was looking at me like that smiling.


I pulled the sundress over my head and walked towards the edge peering down, "Jesus, did you have to pick the highest cliff you could find?"

He laughed walking over to me and pulled me in for a kiss.

I'm never going to get used to that.

"Here, you can get on my back, so we can go at the same time." He smirked at me.

I'm pretty sure he just wanted to make sure I actually jumped because I could have easily just held his hand and jumped.

Nevertheless, I jumped onto his back and held on tight as he walked closer to the edge.

Of course, Jeremiah didn't even give me a warning before he jumped off the cliff and we fell into the water.

I forced myself back to the surface, gasping for breath and wrapped my arms around his neck, while he held one arm around my waist to keep us up.

I let out a laugh, "You are crazy, Jeremiah Fisher."


By the time we stumbled back into the house, laughing about something random, everyone else was gone, probably getting ready for the ball.

I'm pretty sure they all knew something was going on between Jere and I, but no one questioned it.

"Come on, I have a great idea." I grabbed Jeremiah's hand and pulled him up to my room.

He laughed, "Calm down, Elle. You could have just asked if you wanted me in your bed."

I smacked the back of his head, "Shut up."

Cruel Summer, Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now