The Geek

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Aaaaahhh... The Geek.

Here is the academic guru. The nerd.
The intellectual genius.
The twenty first century's Albert Einstein cranked up ten times over.
The one who would grow up to become a wizened professor.

The Geek, based on the rate of information digestion per day, probably knows the chromosome sequence of every single DNA on planet earth, the scientific names of all living organisms, all the dates of every single historical event with the names attached to them, and lots more stuff that average people like me wouldn't bother about.

We can safely say the brain of The Geek is an entire universe of library in itself.

If you're a Geeky Reader, then you are so intelligent and into books that your eye have (probably) begun a protest of their own and now you're forever stuck with this (most times) round and ugly pair of glasses.
Like your eyeballs are literally screaming, PLEASE LET US LIVE!

Am I the only one who feels intimidated when I see a cluster of gaunt students of few words, wearing glasses and just observing everyone else who are busy cramming the last bits of their formulas in their textbooks at a tough exam, competition or spelling bee?

Talking of spelling bees, did I also mention that these people can go as far as reading dictionaries and thesauruses, just for the fun of it. Yikes!
Ask the girl in the picture up there.

I wish I fit into this category. My life would probably be... awkward?
As if it isn't already. Ha ha!

Anyways, there you have it, our brilliant reader.

Leave a vote and comment if you're A Geek.
You'll automatically be my go-to person for all those complex stuff that cause me headaches.

Even if you aren't A Geek... Oh well, don't feel too bad. Vote and comment and tap from the anointing.

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