Were bowling

151 6 2

Elizabeth- smiles and spins on the floor

Romona - grabs her and sits her in his lap

Elizabeth- giggles

Italy - smiles

America - ruffles Italy's hair

Elizabeth- why is it only us 4

Italy - I don't know

America- Elizabeth its your turn

Elizabeth- picks up a 6 pound ball

Romano- walks up behind her " it's like this " wraps his arms around and shows her how

Elizabeth- lets the ball go and gets a strike " thanks Romano "

America- MEH TURN !!!!

Romano- hugs her

Elizabeth- Thinks /he's so sweet to me

America- gets a gutter " SHIT!!!"

Italy - slaps him

America- meep " rolls his next ball and fest 7 pins

Italy - gets a spare

Romano- rolls and gets a. Split

Elizabeth- taps his back

Romano- " what "

Elizabeth " I know a trick first of all go for the pin in the middle of U hit it will hit the other one knocking it down "

Romano- rolls and hits the middle one and it hits the other one

/ after 9 rounds \

America- Eliza-

Elizabeth- is asleep in Romanos arms

Italy - lets go home

America- nods

/ in the car/
Elizabeth- cuddles Romano

Romano- kisses her lightly

America- I knew the liked each other

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