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Castiel -

I woke up at 7 am, I decided that I will cook breakfast for me and Aurora. Be nice switch for us both.

Taking out pans and the food I get started. When I was almost done their was a sound, from a car door. I look out the window to see who it could be than I saw my brother, alpha king.

How in the hell did he find me?!

I go to the back room seeing that Aurora has woken up.

" Baby, please stay in here. Do not come out until I said otherwise."

" Yes. Are you okay?" 

I don't answer her because I have no idea what to stay to her.

I stand in the front door not opening it. I can't.

" Castiel, I know that you are in there. Open the door."

There was a pause.

" Castiel. I am not going anywhere. Open the door now as a order from the king" my brother said

As much I hate it. I have to listen to him. I open the door and he comes into my house.

We stare off at each other not saying one word.

" Nice place. Little small for my taste. But it is nice. I'm sorry. I am sorry how your mate was treated. I should have handled it better. I did not think that you would be gone for so long. Castiel I am so sorry".

" Hmm. Is that all. If so you can leave".

" I want you to come back, back home where you belong".

" I'll pass."

" Castiel be reasonable about this"

" I am. Get out"

" Your mate. Where is she?"

" She died. She died in the first few weeks"

The alpha king looked at his brother and moved closer to him, face to face.

" I do not lie to me. I can hear her heartbeat."

" You are not seeing her."

Both brother stare off at each other before another member came into the house. Which was the former king, he came along to talk with his son. To bring his son home.

" Enough both of you. This is getting no where. Son please get your mate out here. No harm will will come to her."

In that moment Castiel could trust his father. Hesitantly Castiel went to get his mate from the back room.

When they came into the living room both of them saw that Aurora was pregnant. But something else looked at differently.

" Your human"  Jasper said

" Son, I know how you feel. Myself and the family are sorry what happened those years ago. But your mate is pregnant now. You both must come back home, where you both will safe and the child can be born and to be with his/her family."

" Nice offer father but we are just fine on our own. I will always keep Aurora safe and happy far more better than home could."

" Alright. I had enough" Jasper said

In that moment an member that came along hit a pressure point on Aurora making her drop and that made Castiel wolf out but he was shot with wolfsbane that knocked him out completely.

" Why did you do that? I had a plan." The former king spoke to his son.

" I know. Sorry father. But it is better this way. Now both of them will safe at home, and the sooner we can start the ceremony for Aurora. She is a princess after all it is time everyone knows that she is my brothers mate". Jasper said

Castiel and Aurora was loaded into the car heading back to the royal pack lands. They both were placed into a royal apartments, side by side on the king size bed.

Now the whole grounds just had to wait for the prince to wake up.

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