part -9

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Hey guyss
After long time without any delay we can start

In hospital
Prachi was in hospital bed unconsciously
Here aarav and ranbir are very much confused if there are right or wrong

Aarav pov
I think this rhea revenge plan will affect prachi's life very badly so i will talk to prachi about there revenge and alert her if I think about myself it will be very selfish but my dad ahhh...  No... No. I will tell her before it too late

Ranbir's pov
Today I was about to make prachi mine but again this idiot mess my life why God why
above that my prachi is lying Unconsciously I think I should back off from this plan before it is too late I want to make prachi mine but i can't see her crying. I love her but this is the only chance to be with prachi no ranbir.. No prachi's safety is top priority than prachi's love i will make her mine at any cost but not in this way

Rhea was  standing in the corner in her own thought whether she is doing right or not

At the time doctor came out

Doctor- prachi gained conscious u can meet her but have to go one at a time

Aarav & ranbir - at the same time : I will go
Their both share a angry glance

Aarav- I will go don't u dare to go near her then I will kill u guys with my bare hand

Ranbir was about to speak but rhea hold his  hand nd said to control his angry as this is not time
Aarav left to meet the prachi
He went inside and saw prachi his love lifelessly in hospital bed yes he realised his love when he saw prachi tears

Aarav- prachi are u ok!?

Prachi- yes aarav

Their both didn't speak anything further as they don't know what to speak

Suddenly prachi came out of the trance and asked

Prachi- did u said this incident to mom

Aarav- no prachi!! I completely forgot about it in this mess

Prachi- thank god ....don't said this to her
She will be terrified

Aarav- haan u love her very much na

Prachi - yes aarav she is my life

Aarav- sorry prachi

Prachi- huh..  I should say thank you to u becoz u r one who save me

Aarav- no prachi I came late
Sorry 🥺

Prachi- r u mad or what it's nothing aarav it already happen to me in my Village , some people harass me that time mom saved me u know what I was so small that time 😓that's y I become terrified  that incident came in front my eyes so I faint # my only fear  saying this she chuckled

Aarav- u r a brave girl prachi if there is any other girl in ur place I can't even imagine

Prachi- I know that

Aarav chuckled : once again sry I can't protect u

Prachi - aarey so u didn't consider me as ur frnd so only u r saying sry sry sry...   Go I am angry with u 

Aarav - hey sry yaar don't be angry

Prachi glared - again

Aarav - ok ok let's finish this

Prachi - fine but I didn't said thanks na by saying this she hugged him tightly

Aarav while hugging-  so this is ur way of saying thank u

Prachi - no our way of saying thanks and sry

Then they shared an  deep eyelock

This all was seen by ranbir and rhea

Both are very angry

Prachi was the first one to break the eyelock  and she noticed ranbir

Prachi-  ranbir plz come in thanks  for everything

Ranbir - no prblm yaar

Aarav  can't bear that nd sayed ok prachi u take rest we will leave

Prachi- aarey wait I want to talk with ranbir

by hearing this  , ranbir became very happy whereas aarav annoyed

Prachi- u helped me today ranbir thanks   for that

Ranbir- u already said it's ok prachi
But I want compensation

Prachi- haan Ranbir ask whatever u want if I can I will give u

Ranbir- u can prachi u can do that

Prachi- don't tense me up  say quickly

Ranbir he forward his hand : so friends

Prachi shakes his hands - sure

Ranbir - my pleasure

Prachi smiled

Rhea left as she can't bear this sight she left angrily
Both her frndz are speak with her enemy

That time doctor came nd sayed plz anyone come nd do discharge formalities

Aarav- ya doctor I will come

Prachi- aarav plz I will pay bill

Aarav- sternly no

Prachi- please pretty plz with puppy eyes

Aarav- don't use that weapon
We can speak about it later

Prachi- thank u
Aarav rolled his eyes nd left

Prachi had a big smile
On other hand Ranbir buring with jealously

Precap-  Ranbir 's obsession for prachi

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