Proper meeting

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Cole then fell onto the floor as the bad guys look at him in shock

Cole: Crap

Snake: What are you doing here!

Cole barely can speak as he stutters out his words

Cole: I-I-I-

Webs: Did you follow us?

Cole: Maybe...

Wolf: You know we can't let you leave right

Cole's eyes widen in shock

Cole: You're kidding right

Wolf: Nope

Cole: Why!

Wolf: Because you know our location and that would lead to you calling the cops and telling them where we are and...

Piranha: We'd get arrested!

Wolf: Correct

Cole: What no listen I just wanted a picture 

He then holds up his camera as snake grabs it and swallows it

Snake: Thanks always wanted an upgrade

Cole looks at his hand as it's shaking his vision gets blurry



It was Cole's 11th birthday as he was swinging on the swing outside as his dad comes outside

Dad: Hey birthday boy come on in it's present time

We then see cole's mother bringing a cake as everyone is singing happy birthday and after he blows out the candles his mom hands him a present as he opens it revealing to be his handheld camera

Cole: No way

Dad: We know how much you wanted it

Cole: Thank you so much

Then they hug each other

(Flashback ends) (Stop music here)

Cole is still shaking as he looks at them

Shark: (Whispering) What's wrong with him

Cole then jumps up and pushes through them as he runs towards the elevator

Snake: Stop him!

Then they start chasing him as cole realizes the elevator wouldn't close in time then he sees a hatch so jumps off their car and onto the ladder as he opens the hatch and climbs on top of the elevator he then slams the hatch down and wedges a board in the lock so they couldn't follow him

He then sees a ladder to get to the roof so with no other option as the bad guys are about to break through the wood so he starts to climb as piranha breaks through and jumps on top 

Piranha: Hermano throw me up there

Shark: On it

Shark then throws piranha up towards cole as he runs along the wall towards the boy as cole tries to speed up but then piranha grabs cole's leg and tries to pull him down

Cole: Hey get off!

Cole then kicks him lightly to make him let go but to not fall to his death then cole reaches the roof as he runs up some stairs goes out a door and slams it shut as he sees hes on the roof of the warehouse he looks for a way down but doesn't see one as he's near the edge he looks down for a moment but then steps back remembering his fear of heights then all of a sudden the door slams open as he sees the crew walking towards him 

Bad Guys Simple Male Oc FicWhere stories live. Discover now