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You never read much, but knowing that, I still want you to get through this book. I want you to try to make it to the ending.

This book contains all the things that I've wanted to tell you but could never say directly to your face, so I've created this fictional world to get that message across.

Some of the events in this book may be fiction, but the feelings are real.

The hold you have on me is so strong that I created a world for you.

She wouldn't have done this for you.

You can't seem to picture a life without her, yet she's already living a life without you in it.

I pictured a life with you; I pictured many lifetimes where you and I ended up together.

I pictured myself wrapped up in you, but you could never imagine me as more than the person you talk about her to.

You never realized how much listening to that tore me apart.

I wanted you to use those lips to do something more than recite words inspired by her.

Holding on to her like that didn't make you come off as romantic; It made you seem sad.

Holding on to you like this didn't make me come off as romantic; It just made me sad.

But here's the difference between you and me; you write to me about her, but I write to the world about you.

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