Chapter One And Then She Was Gone

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There once was a girl name Sora who had messed up very bad. She made a lot of mistakes, ruined lives of people she loved & cared about. She grew to hate herself for what she had done and that all she can think about is to make that world a better place and to make everyone happy is to leave. She wanted to get away. One night as she packed her bags take what she mostly needed left her house as soon she walked out of her neighborhood she vanished. Since then she was never seen and heard from again. Nobody knows where she is. No one knows if she is alive or dead.

(That's end of this chapter I'm putting my story I was lonely till you came into my life to the side & work on this I'm feeling kinda down & need to release my feelings I will work on this as much as I can let me know what you think of it.)

(Update Sorry I haven't written in awhile have a lot going on but I promise I will try to get back to all my work also I have decided to make some changes in this story with names).

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