Chapter Ten

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James POV

I wake up the next morning feeling warm, relaxed, and comfortable, only to find out that I had snuggled into poor Noah. I try to move away as quietly as possible to grab my phone and check the time, but he stirs and I instantly still. Once I'm sure he's still asleep I grab my phone and check the time, 11:24.

Damn did we sleep in, I remove myself from him carefully and go to the kitchen, I order two BLTs. It's around lunch time and I'm hungry so his sorry ass better hope he gets up in time.

Noah's POV

I wake up alone. I stare at the fresh imprint on his bed, he'd obviously spent all night curled up beside me. It was a comforting thought.

I rub my eyes and sleepily venture to the kitchen, just in time for the door to ring. James walks out all sorts of messy and tired I look my phone. 11:30.

"How'd you get here so fast?" James asked person at the door.

"You do realize the place you ordered from was only like a ten minute walk right," A bored voice answered.

"Whatever let me get your tip,"

He walks away from the door only to be greeted by me, I think I startled him because he jumped like two feet back, yelped, and then promptly fell on his ass with a loud crash.

"Is everything alright in there?"The delivery guy asked.

James stands up and brushes himself off.

"Yeah," he call back, he then decides to slap the back of my head.

"Hey," I exclaimed rubbing where he just hit.

He grabs the money from the table he was looking for, and walks back out, this time I follow him. I lean on the door frame over him, but he just swats me away.

"Here," James say handing the money to the kid.

"Tha-" but James was already ignoring him.

"I hope you bought me something you prick," I say.

"Fuck off,"

"Salty much?"

He throws a sandwich my way, I fumble with it before barely catching it,

"Uncoordinated jack ass," He mutters.

"Are you always like this when you wake up?" I question ruffling his already messy hair.

"Only for you darling," He says fluttering his lashes sarcastically, "My moms gonna be here in like twenty minutes, so its technically up to her if you can keep staying here."

My facial expression drooped with disappointment, James patted my shoulder.

"She'll probably let you stay," He says warmth entering his voice for the first time all morning.

Malachi's POV

The two guys I had just delivered the BLTs too were bickering like a married couple. Of course I had to comment on it but I waited for them to notice I haven't left yet, so instead I just watch.

I turned around to see a car pull up in the driveway, and a man and woman, who look a lot like the shorter guy, get out. They look at me questioningly, as to why I'm loitering. I beckon them over and make a shushing gesture and point to the kids.

The tall guy with the accent brightened.

"Yeah, but your short arse better beg them to let me stay,"

The ones I assume to be the short ones parents, don't even seem shocked from the cursing.

"Noah," the short one huffs.

This on the other hand did shock them.

"James," The tall one now identified as Noah mocks.

"Why'd you have to bring my height into it," James says.

"Awww, can't accept the truth?"

"Shut up,"

"Make me,"

"You're on."

James tackled him. Both the boys are rolling around on the ground that is until Noah saw us just hovering at the door while he struggled to hold down James.

"Now don't let us interrupt you carry on," James mothers said arms crossed smugly.

James looked at his mother in shock. He quickly pushed Noah off of him.

"Mom," He says happily.

"What was that about your tall ass needing somewhere to stay?" James mom asks Noah with a raised eyebrow.

"You know how my mom is," He says with a nonchalant shrug.

"You can stay, but only if you explain when you guys became friends again?"

A horrible screeching sound starts to emit from the house. Everyone but the kids cover their ears. The kids run inside the house and a few moments later the sound stops. When they come back out they're holding an egg and a contraption of some sort.

"Ms. Turner partnered us on the egg project," James says with a shru he's not that bad."

"Turner? Why does that name sound familiar," James father says before snapping, "Oh that crazy bitch, Julia Turner," He turns to his wife, when she still looked confused he rolls his eyes, "Your girlfriend in sophomore year."

"Oh, Her." she says drawing out the 'O'.

"Yes her."

"Wait a second, why is the delivery boy still here?" Noah questions.

Noahs POV

It feels like the delivery kid had just intruded on our moment, he quickly scuttles off. I frown. My irritation was quickly replaced with joy, I get to spend a solid amount of time with James, especially since they have two offices rather than a guest room, so I would still be staying in his room.

James and his parents were making conversation when I remembered the poor sandwiches which had been flung to the side. I grab one and hand one to James. He had obviously forgotten he was hungry but he scarfed that sandwich down like it was his last meal. He had two more in the bag and I hand them to his parents. James was staring wistfully at my sandwich, so I offer him a bite. He takes it, its a fucking giant one though.

"You crazy twat. that's like half my sandwich." I wave it at him dramatically, "I ought to have you beheaded for that,"

"Yeah but you love me," He says with a shrug, he then steals another bite and runs to his room.

That gets me thinking. what am I gonna do with the crush I've been harboring. There's not much I can do, I don't want to lose him again. I think the best course of action would be to keep it to myself. His mother shoots me a knowing look as I finish my sandwich and race to his room.




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