Episode 11 - A father's sacrifice

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Upon seeing her father open the exit door of the auditorium that was full of zombies, Onjo quickly went to her father and embraced him in a hug, feeling relief to see her father was still alive since the beginning of the zombie outbreak. The white hoodie girl cried in happiness as she hugged her father.

“Let me see you.” Mr. Nam said as he pulled Onjo’s head away from his chest in order to look at his daughter properly.

“Get out! Hurry!” Suhyeok yelled when a bright light filled the auditorium, indicating the exit door had been opened.

One by one, all of the students then began to rush out of the auditorium with Suhyeok being the last one to leave after the tall boy grabbed the cloth on the floor that he used to tie the carts earlier. Cheongsan quickly slammed the door shut before the zombies were able to reach them. Once they left the room full of zombies, the students took a moment of rest after quickly scanning the area that was indeed no zombie insight.

Seeing there were no zombies in the area, Areum released a deep sigh before remembering her fresh bite mark on her left hand. Before she could hide the bite mark, Areum jumped in surprise when she felt someone hug her. Instantly knew who the person who hugged her, the beauty began to relax upon his hug.

“Don’t ever do that. You’re scare the hell out of me, Rumnie-yah.” Suhyeok muttered as he lowered his head against her neck.

“We promised each other that we would be careful once we leave the storage room. Why can’t you keep your promise, huh?” The tall boy continued as Areum felt a wet tear landed on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry. But I can’t let Joonyeong get bitten. I’m sorry, Suhyeok.” Areum apologised in a trembled voice as she comforted the tall boy by gently patting her right hand on his back.

“Can’t you just be selfish for once?” The tall boy questioned as he lifted his head away from her neck, his black teary eyes met her brown eyes.

“And let our friend get bitten and turned into a zombie?”  The beauty softly mentioned as she cupped his face with her right hand. Suhyeok leaned his head against her right palm when Areum brushed her thumb to wipe the fallen tears on his face.

“Aish. You know I can’t argue with you when you mention something like that.” Suhyeok mumbled in frustration, leaning his face closer to the girl he had feelings for.

“I know.” Areum held a small smile when the tall boy placed his forehead against her own, closing their eyes for a moment. After a moment of silence between the pair, Suhyeok released a deep sigh before pulling away from Areum, just enough for the tall boy to give some personal space for the beauty.

“Let me take a look at your hand.” Suhyeok mentioned as his eyes met her brown eyes.

The black haired girl gave her right hand while she tried to hide her left hand behind her back, hoping Suhyeok would not press the matter any longer.

“The other hand, Rumnie-yah.” He claimed, narrowing his black eyes to the girl when he saw her tactic of hiding her bloody left hand.

Sighed in defeat, Areum reluctantly moved her left hand away from her back and showed it to the tall boy. Suhyeok gently grasped her hand before he wrapped the cloth around her bloody hand.

“You don’t need to-” Areum was about to give a reason to not wrap her bloody hand when suddenly she was interrupted by Suhyeok.

“Just let me wrap this around your hand. It helps ease my worry a bit.” Suhyeok softly stated as he continued to wrap the cloth around her left hand.

“Are you kids okay?” Mr. Nam asked after checking his only daughter’s current condition.

The  middle-age man turned his whole body to the rest of the young teens when he double checked their state after escaping the auditorium full of flesh-eating monsters. Then, Mr. Nam watched as each of the students nod their heads in acknowledgement when words were unable to form after the incident they had faced earlier.

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