Chapter 4

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Alanta Groge
ALG High School

Alanta GrogeALG High School8:00am

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Daevanni POV 

" I don't want to go class anymore Pryce." I said pushing up her glasses

"You haven't even been in yet Jacori." She said knocking on the door and walking in

"Hello, talk a seat Ms. William, and how might you be young lady." She asked looking at me

"I'm Daevanni and I just started today." I said pulling Azariah back next to me by her shirt after she tried to leave me

"Okay Daevanni I'm Ms. Smith it's nice to meet you." She said killing my name in all sorts of ways

"This shit ain't even that funny." I said to Azariah as we walked away to the back of the class taking a seat next to the window

About fifteen minutes into the class everything was going good until my ankle monitor started beeping loud as hell and my phone started ringing making everybody look at me

"Oh, my fucking god this shit didn't need to happen and why the hell they think I need two notifications." I said out loud to myself

I pulled the charger out my bag going to plug it into the wall.

" Daevanni tell the people what a real thug doing right now." Azariah said recording me with her phone all in my face 

"Let them Know a real thug charge on the go." She said laughing her ass off

" A real thug committing thuggery." She said laughing even more

" How much they charge you 50 cents a killer watt." She said choking on her spit still laughing

" Shit ain't even that sweet." I said rolling my eyes at her

" Okay okay I'm sorry." She said stopping the video but still laughing

"Okay class that's the end of class don't to forget do your homework." Ms. Smith said when the bell rang for our second class

I plugged the charger for the monitor out the wall and gave it to Azariah for her to put it in my bag, when we went to second period The teacher was pretty chill, but I just can't wait for lunch to come which is why I was annoying Azariah.

"Azzie." I said poking her

"Yes Vanni." She said looking at me

"I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy." I said dragging my words laying my head on her shoulder

"Her look have this lunch right after this okay." She putting a Werther's Original in my hand 

"Worst then miss Avery." I said taking off the wrapper and eating it

When class was finally over, we headed to the cafeteria to see what they were serving for lunch

" Girl I hope you got your EpiPen because all of these salads got nuts." I said pulling out my EpiPen shaking my head  

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