Episode 3: The Wildlife Warriors

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Featured Cryptid: Altamaha-ha

We open up on the Airship where we see Cloak and Dagger walking through the hallways, Dagger asking Cloak if they should warn Lady Domina about the coup the four Black Dot international members are planning, however Cloak tells her sister to shush, not wanting to draw any attention. However the two are suddenly attacked by El Toro and Mayu, El Toro putting Cloak in a Chokehold while Mayu locks blades with Dagger. However Cloak breaks free from El Toro's Chokehold and uses her telekinesis to pin them both to the wall, only for Domina to enter the room asking just what the heck is going on. Cloak informs Domina that the Black Dot international leaders were planning to overthrow her. Domina clenches her fist, saying "I should have known not to trust you" as she points her guns at both of them. However Adewale, Ivan, and Agent N arrive on the scene to point their weapons at Lady Domina, Ivan exclaiming "not so fast, woman. You no match for us" only for Domina to open the hatch sending Ivan, El Toro, Adewale, Mayu, and Agent N falling out of the sky, Dagger shouting "bye-bye, traitors!" Cloak turns her head to Domina, asking her what now. Domina then shows the twins a hologram of the Altamaha-ha, telling the two that they're going monster hunting in the Altamaha river. After that, we cut to the Altamaha-Ha swimming underwater before we pan up to see Marcus, Anton, Delgado, Tanya, Kira, and the Wallaby Twins all on a boat traveling down the Altamaha river, Anton asking Marcus "so what exactly is this Altamaha-Ha? Sounds like you're laughing every time you say its name". Bill tells Marcus and his team that the Altamaha-Ha is a member of the Cadborosauridae family much like the Ogopogo, however it is much smaller than its Canadian cousin, its range is limited to the Altamaha river of Georgia. Bill goes on to explain that the Altamaha-Ha's natural habitat is being threatened by pollution coming from the Black Dot's Silencer factory located by the riverbank. Bill wants them to shut off the factory and stop the dumping of toxic waste into the water with minimal casualties. Marcus hangs up on Bill and looks at his team telling them "alright wildlife warriors, lets move out" followed by the seven putting on their shades before hopping out the boat upon arriving at the factory, the wildlife warriors each taking out the Black Dot grunts guarding the facility with their unique weapons. Marcus pins one Black Dot grunt under his foot as he begs for mercy, the grunt asking "who are you?" Followed by Marcus saying "we're the wildlife warriors, we punish those who threaten creatures great and small" followed by the other members looking away as Marcus kills the Black Dot grunt off-screen, Anton saying "I think I'm going to throw up" while Delgado pats him on the back. Marcus orders the others to plant the explosives, saying that the sooner we destroy this place the sooner they stop the pollution of the Altamaha river. Mindy asks Marcus "are you sure about that, boss? Many people working in this factory will die if we blow it up Taking lives human or animal is against Animal X regulations". Marcus asks her "since when did you start caring about the lives of the Black Dot's cronies? They're our enemies. Tanya, tell your girlfriend to not question orders" Tanya agrees, telling Marcus "Sorry Marcus but she's right, taking lives human or animal is against Animal X regulations". Marcus looks at Tanya and asks her "did you just challenge my Authority?" as Anton, Delgado, Jack, and Mindy all take a step back. Tanya tells him "no sir" followed by the Wildlife Warriors all splitting up and planting explosives in different areas of the silencer factory followed by the team regrouping before leaving, Marcus activating the detonator causing the factory to go KABOOM! while Marcus and his team sit back and watch the place burn as they escape aboard their boat. Marcus then gets a holo-message from Bill calling out Marcus and the Wildlife Warriors for going against mission regulations, saying "I told you to shut off the factory with minimal casualties! this has gone too far, Marcus" followed by Marcus telling Bill "I did what you said, I stopped the pollution of the Altamaha river, you should be thanking me!" followed by Bill telling him "NOT when it violates our mission directive!" all the while the twins watch from behind a tree, Dagger saying "look Cloak, the director of the Animal X natural mystery unit is mad at the traitor for disobeying him, this is too good to be true!" followed by Dagger saying "agreed, sister". Bill continues to chastise Marcus, telling him "Look at what your actions have caused Marcus, do you really think blowing up that factory was gonna stop the pollution of the river?" followed by Marcus looking down to see that he just made the situation worse, as the Altamaha river is now more polluted than ever as the explosion caused the toxic waste to spread further down the river. the Wildlife Warriors see that the Altamaha-ha raising its head out of the water crying for help as it is trapped in toxic sludge, struggling to free itself but to no avail, Mindy shedding a tear upon seeing the poor animal suffering before slapping Marcus across the face calling him a terrible leader before being comforted by her brother Jack making Marcus feel guilt for his actions. after that, we cut back to Animal X HQ where we see Natalie enter Bill's office, Natalie asking Bill why he asked her to report to his office immediately. Bill tells her "It's your brother Marcus. he and his team now calling themselves the Wildlife Warriors blew up one of the Black Dot's silencer factories, accidentally releasing toxic chemicals into the Altamaha river. I'll be sending you to Georgia to go clean up his mess". Natalie then enters the vehicle hangar to board the X-Van with James Johnson telling her "Alright Nat, fasten your seatbelt!" followed by the X-Van transforming into flight mode and blasting off. after that, we cut back to the Wildlife Warriors parking their boat on the riverbank before hopping off, the Wallaby twins getting off first and walking off, Marcus asking the two Aussie siblings where they think they're going, and Jack tells Marcus "Sorry, after that stunt you just pulled, we quit". the wallaby twins then come across the X-Van as it lands on the ground followed by Natalie hopping out of the vehicle before it takes off, followed by Natalie having a heartfelt reunion with the Wallaby twins who are happy to see her. Natalie asks the two what they're doing here in America, and the two explain that they were with Marcus and the Wildlife Warriors, but quit the team after he took things too far. Natalie then tells them "He's my brother, if there's anyone who can talk some sense into him, it's me". Mindy tells her "I hope you're right, your brother is really off his rocker this time" followed by Jack saying "Given that he was raised by Domino, that's not really surprising". the three then walk down to the riverbank where Natalie is shocked to see the sick and sludge-covered Altamaha-ha beached on the shore. Natalie feels sorry for the poor creature, wishing Daniel was here to heal it. Marcus, Anton, Delgado, Tanya, and Kira arrive on the scene to see Natalie and the twins comforting the sick Altamaha-ha, Marcus feeling guilty for his actions saying "I know you're probably mad at me, but I never meant for any of this to happen. forgive me sister". Natalie gets up and electrocutes Marcus with her electric batons, telling him "You caused the world's biggest oil spill and you expect me to forgive you? news flash! this creature is DYING because of your actions, brother!" Marcus then gets back up just as Natalie charges at him and unsheaths his katana and tanto blade to block Natalie's electric batons, telling his sister "Not my fault, sis! if the Black Dot hadn't built a factory atop the Altamaha river, none of this would have ever happened. so it's their fault!" Natalie then tells him "That doesn't excuse going against Bill's orders!" followed by Cloak and Dagger arriving on the scene, Cloak saying "well well well, looks like we got a little family reunion here. just the four of us" followed by Dagger firing knives from her cybernetic arm forcing brother and sister to stop fighting and get out of the way. the Wildlife Warriors all whip out their weapons and get into battle stance, Natalie asking the twins "what do you mean by the four of us?" followed by Cloak saying "Domino wasn't the only donor who's DNA went into our creation. there's a bit of Maria Schmitt in us as well, which makes the two of us your half-sisters". Natalie and Marcus both lower their weapons and look at each other in shock of this revelation, followed by Dagger telling them "Now you two, be kind to your sisters and hand over the beast or we'll kill all your friends!" Mindy hugs the Altamaha-ha and tells the twins "No way either of you are laying a finger on Altie!" Delgado and Anton look at Mindy, Delgado saying "Altie? you gave it a name?" followed by Anton saying "Oh great, she got attached to it". Marcus then charges at Cloak and Dagger, only for Cloak to drop her cloak revealing a bunch of glowing purple tattoos covering her body. the tattoos come to life and become glowing purple psychic tentacles that ensnare Marcus who says "Well that's new" followed by Cloak telling him "That's because you've never seen me exert myself at full power" and just tosses Marcus aside before grabbing hold of Altie with her tentacles and lifting the beast into the air causing it to scream in agony, Cloak's eyes glowing bright purple. Natalie and the Wildlife Warriors try to attack Cloak from all sides with their respective weapons, however they aren't able to get close to her due to being slapped away by more of her psychic tentacles that sprout from all sides of her body. Marcus gets up and tries to go and help his sister and his team, but he is stopped in his tracks by Dagger who fires a bunch of rapid-fire shots of knives from her Cybernetic arm. Marcus manages to deflect each of her shots with his katana and tanto blade causing one of the daggers to hit Cloak stabbing her in the back by accident. Cloak's psychic tentacles disappear causing her to drop poor Altie who falls down the riverbank before collapsing onto the ground. Dagger rushes to her sister's aid, pulling the blade out of her back before asking her if she's okay. Cloak tells Dagger "I'm fine, but using my ESPer powers at full strength took nearly all of my energy out of me" all the while Mindy and Tanya are both tending to Altie, informing her fellow agents that we're losing Altie, Natalie saying that they need an ESPer to fix all of this. Marcus asks Natalie where they're going to find one, reminding her that Daniel is missing and has lost his ESPer powers. Natalie then walks up to Cloak and Dagger, Marcus saying "you can't be serious". Dagger tells Natalie to back away saying that she and her brother have caused enough trouble. however Cloak tells Dagger "that's enough sis, she's our sister too remember". Natalie "Cloak, I need your help. your ESPer powers are the only thing capable of purifying the river and saving the Altamaha-ha's life. you said it yourself, we're family so do your half-sister a favor and make things right" all the while the Wildlife Warriors are all in disbelief. Cloak tells her "I've never used my ESPer powers for healing, only as a weapon. there's no guarantee that it'll work". Natalie tells her "There's a first time for everything". Cloak begins to trust Natalie and walks toward the Altamaha river, stepping into the polluted water. Dagger begins to cry, shouting "DON'T DO IT CLOAK! YOU'VE ALREADY EXHAUSTED YOUR ESPER POWERS! IF YOU USE THEM ONE MORE TIME IN THIS STATE IT'LL KILL YOU, AND I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT MY TWIN SISTER!" however Cloak doesn't listen and closes her eyes, sticking her hands in the toxic sludge followed by Cloak emitting a massive wave of bright purple Aura that envelops the entire Altamaha river, Tanya and Mindy both noticing the sludge disappear from Altie's body. Tanya tells Mindy "Unbelievable, it worked!" followed by Natalie and Marcus notice the purple aura disappear revealing the river has been purified and the water is back to being clear blue and full of life, however Cloak isn't there anymore. she sacrificed her own life to purify the Altamaha river. Altie then regains the strength to haul herself back into the water and swims off into the Altamaha river while our heroes all watch with a smile, Natalie telling Marcus "I love you, brother" before the X-Van arrives on the scene to pick up Natalie who offers Marcus and his team to come with her to Animal X HQ, saying that Tony and Cindy would sure love to see them. Marcus declines his sister's offer, saying "And have to face the wrath of Bill? Nooo thank you, us Wildlife Warriors are better off sticking to doing our own thing apart from Animal X" followed by the Wildlife Warriors boarding the X-copter and leaving. James Johnson honks the X-Van's horn, telling Natalie "What are you waiting for? we need to get a move on! Bill's expecting you back at HQ" followed by Natalie boarding the X-Van and blasting off leaving behind a grieving Dagger who clutches Cloak's cloak close to her chest as tears run down her eyes. after that, we cut to Agent N and the Black Dot international agents falling out of the sky and landing in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea, Ivan asking Agent N where they are, El Toro saying that he can't wait to crush Lady Domina's head like a grape for dropping them here. Agent N tells them that according to her GPS, they're somewhere on the island of Papua New Guinea, off the coast of Australia. our episode ends on a cliffhanger as they all look up to see the silhouette of a pterosaur fly above their heads.

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