When I Speak Your Name in Prayer Inspirational Christian Poem

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I'd like to sit you down and tell you everything's okay
And have the strength enough to pull you through another day
I'd like to help you to believe that this will be all right
And that you will not have to spend another sleepless night

I'd like to hold your hand and wipe the teardrops from your eyes
And help you just to sort things out while you question why
I'd like to try and lift the load and carry it for you
And truly help you understand just what you're going through

I'd like to have the words to make this trouble disappear
And give you peace of mind so you won't shed another tear
I'd like to have the magic touch to take away your pain
And help you see the blue sky just beyond this blinding rain

But sometimes what we say or do just cannot be enough
To ease another's passage through a trail so dark and rough
There is one thing I know will help much more than I can say
And rest assured that I will do it when I kneel to pray

I will take your name before the Father as I seek His face
And ask Him to enfold you in His arms of warm embrace
There's no one who can comfort you quite like the Father can
And surely carry you across this dark and frightening span

Although, I dearly care for you and want to help so much
I know that what you really need is in the Father's touch
So, I will take you to the throne and leave you in His care
I know He will deliver when I speak your name in prayer

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