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Nasir Malachi Stone

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Nasir Malachi Stone

"Nasir what are you doing here?" Kulture sucked her teeth after opening the door  "Bleu's not here. Her and my mom went somewhere."

"Okay, I came here to talk to you. You just never gon speak to me again twin?" I stepped inside

"Are you bleeding internally or dying?"

"No?" I said confused

"Well I don't plan on speaking to you until you are." She shrugged as I followed her upstairs

"Bleu's finna turn two. You haven't said nothing about what we doing for her birthday."

"Im having a party for her. If you want to throw a second one for your family that's up to you." She shrugged

I laughed "You on this now huh? That's not even the type of life you want for her."

She shrugged

"Stop trynna be bitter man. We ain't doing this."

"Me? Bitter. Because I'm finally doing what's right and leaving you the fuck alone? How long am I supposed to wait on you before I finally stand the fuck up."

"Can i get just a few more months mama?" I joked

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She punched my arm getting an attitude

"Twin I'm playin witchu. Chill out."

"I look like I want to play Nasir? Especially with you? I'm over this. I'm over you and I'm moving on finally. Now here you come."

"Moving on?"

"Mmhm. You had your fun and it's my turn now."

"Kulture you serious? All this time we had an understanding. We knew what it was with us but now all the sudden you trynna just be done with me?"

"I'm sorry? This coming from the man with a girlfriend? Multiple at that. You been fucking anybody you can get your hands on while I sat at home waiting for you to open your eyes and come back to your family. I have you try and try again and YOU messed up. So now I'm done."

"Twin You can't be done with me. We're a family."

"We are. And we will continue to raise our daughter together." She shrugged picking up her phone

I took it out her hand and put it in my pocket

She chuckled "Can't handle your own dirt huh?"

"Man cause you know I only love you. I don't love these other bitches I just be fuckin em."

"But what's the point? If your happy with me you should've be worried about these other females. Did I not make you happy ?"

"You did. You still do. I'm just trynna experience life for real while I'm young so I don't hurt you in the long run." I pulled her close to me

I do love Kulture. But being tied down now means I'm just gonna cheat on her. I'd rather be single then to hurt her.

"You don't think your hurting me now Nas? This is hard for me because I love you. Probably more then man I love me but I'm not just gonna keep fighting for us when I'm the only one fighting."

"Your not. Mama I got us and you know it."

"I'm not ready to jump into another relationship with you. I told you I was talking to someone else and that alone made you want me back? You just don't want me to treat you how I'm being treated." She shrugged

I kissed the side of her neck a few times resting my hand under her breast. I felt her heart race as i lowered my hands down her body and into her shorts. I sat up hovering over her and kissing her lips a few times. Before pulling her clothes off. I laid her on her back before taking off mine. I placed my head in the crook of her neck before sliding into her. As I entered into her she lowly gasped causing me to smirk as I slowly slid into her..

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