Chapter 10

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"To have heard me say that, your hearing is impressive"

"Or maybe you just spoke too loud" (Y/N) remarked.

Even though it's not the right time, I almost snorted. I love her.

"Return back. As I expected, this was just a waste of time. You actually expected me to answer that?

The guy holding the tablet began to walk back. (Y/N) placed her hands around her mouth and yelled, "Coward! What's so hard about answering a simple question?! What? Does answering it reveal your master plan?! Because if so, your plan would be way too easy for Batman to figure out!" Slowly, she began to walk backwards. She must've been really frustrated because she didn't even look behind her.

I wanted to warn her and tell her to watch out for the water behind her, but Bruce signaled me to stay hidden and wait. Wait for what Bruce? For her to fall into the water and catch a cold?!


Turns out that's exactly what he wanted me to do.

She laid there on the water for a few seconds before she got up on her feet, her arms crossed as she shivered. She's going to feel sick later. I pursed my lips in worry. I'll prepare her something hot when I get back.

Bruce and I still had our earpieces on, and even though she whispered, we could faintly make out her words. "I didn't think it was going to be that cold"

What surprised me was that small smile plastered on her face as she stared at her phone. It looked as though she was trying to use it but it didn't turn on. Her phone wasn't waterproof so it wasn't going to survive in the water for long. She whisper-yelled, "Yes!"

I get it now.....

"We're talking about this tomorrow. You know where to go" Bruce suddenly said.

"Yeah" I replied stoically and quickly headed back home before she could. I couldn't help but think of ways I would get rid of Hush. Truth be told, I didn't care about some copycat. It wasn't new to have a villain terrorizing Gotham every now and then. I was sure Bruce would take him down in a few weeks. I left it at that. But now he's messed with my girlfriend.

Oh when I get my hands on him....

• ° • • ° •

[(Y/N)'s POV]

As soon as I got home— after stopping by the bar and changing out of my wet clothes into my spare clothes in my locker— I immediately walked to the bedroom. I found Jason still awake, which wasn't really a huge shock. When he's really tired, like after patrol, he usually sleeps earlier.

"You're in different clothes....." he said, his eyes meeting mines. He probably noticed my hastiness too.

"Yeah..... sort of spilled wine on myself"

Wait. Why am I still making excuses? I could just tell him the truth. Hush isn't listening right now. That was the whole point of falling on the water.

"Well actually-" but then my eyes looked at the window. Damn, I forgot there were people watching through there. "Never mind"

He kept staring at me as if he was attempting to read my mind. Then his eyes moved to the side, exactly where I glanced. They widened a bit as if something clicked inside his thoughts. He proceeded to walk over to me and swoop me up in his arms.

.....I'm serious, he really just picked me up out of nowhere.

My body was frozen. He's never done this before, and my heart hasn't raced this quick in a while. It didn't help that he didn't say a word as he laid me down on our bed.

(Sequel) Through Thick and Thin [Jason Todd x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now