Chapter 2: Devil's Apology

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I can't believe it. It's Colton fucking Anderson!

"Avery Scott," Colton breathes, just as shocked seeing me here. He blows out an amazed chuckle. "It really is you."

My heart thunders against my chest and my stomach flips. Past hits me like a trainwreck: his bullying, taunts, horrendous pranks, and those dark eyes that still haunt my dreams.

"You two know each other?" Asks Jane, snapping me out of staring contest with him. 

"We went to high school together," Colton answers her. I feel his eyes raking me head to toe and my body heats up.

"A reunion! Wonderful!" Jane chirps. "Avery's here to see our gym, I was about to give her a tour," she tells Colton excitedly, "I'm sure finding that her friend comes here would be an extra motivation for her to join us." She looks at me expectedly.

He's not my friend Jane. He's opposite of friend!

Colton nods, finally reeling from the shock of seeing me here. "I'm more than happy to serve as that extra motivation." He gives that swoon-worthy smile of his that leaves many girls panting, though to me it comes more off as predatory. "Getting to see her here daily will keep me regular too."

My stomach churns at his remark.

"You're already a regular Cole," Jane comments rolling her eyes, "anymore regular then you'd be coming here twice a day." Colton shrugs at her.

"It's been so long, isn't it Avery?" He says to me.

"Eight years," I mutter unconsciously.

"Eight long years without seeing you," he states like he was deprived of his right. The way his hooded eyes regard me makes my heart jump.

"You two should catch up," Jane says, her smile still intact. "If you don't mind Cole, how about you give her a tour of gym?"

"Of course."

That snaps me out. I don't want to spend another minute in the presence of my bully. "I-I totally forgot I have this stuff to do- uh very important stuff!" I stutter out the second my brain starts functioning. "Let's continue this later, okay?" I tell Jane, ignoring Colton.

Both of them frown in confusion as I dash toward the door.

"Wait!" Jane calls before I can step outside. "Fill this form before you go. It'll help us contact you." I don't get a chance to refuse as a writing pad with a pen is shoved in my hands.

My hand shakes under Colton's dark eyes as I haphazardly fill the form. I scribble my contact details where they'll soon spam me with calls and messages. When I am done I curse myself for not giving fake details. I guess I am too nervous right now to even come up with those. Whatever, I can just block them. I am so not coming back here.

I hand back the writing pad to Jane and storm out of there like the devil is on my tail.

As I walk to my car I hear another set of footsteps behind me. I hope for it to not be the person who I am suspecting it to be.

"I think you'll need your car key if you want to run away from me, Avery," Colton says.

I stop and turn around to see him shaking my car key in my face. I must've left it on Jane's desk. I move to grab them but he raises his hand moving them out of my reach. I am a good five feet seven but Colton still towers over me.

"Give it back," I demand.

"Umm... No." He smirks and my fists clench. Still a bully I see.

"I don't have time for your childish game Anderson. Give me the key," I grit.

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