Part 7: New student

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Once we woke for fajr prayer, we performed ablution and took turns to baths. Anayah wore an oversized blue hoody, black skinny jeans, black socks with white tackkies, and a white veil. While I wore an oversized black hoody, blue skinny jeans, white socks with black tackkies and a blue veil. while eating breakfast, Khalid message on our group chat:

Khalid: Hi

Nayah 💛: Morning

Amirah(me): Hallo

Khalid: what's up

Nayah 💛: nothing much. Just eating breakfast at Mirah's house

Khalid: Are you guys having a sleepover without me?

Amirah(me): yeah we are

Khalid: Nice. Anyways I have someone to introduce to you

Nayah 💛: who?

Khalid: my cousin and also neighbor

Amirah(me): okay. when?

Khalid: now. I'll come pick you guys up

Nayah 💛: good. Cause I wasn't planning on driving

Amirah(me): neither was I

Khalid: Get ready. I'll be there in about 20 minutes.

Nayah 💛: okay bye.

Amirah(me): bye

With that we hurried up and went to sit in the parlor and watch TV while waiting for Khalid. "Mirah, Nayah, do you guys need a lift to school?" Amir asked "no thank you Khalid's gonna come pick us up" Anayah said while scrolling through tiktok "okay then" Amir said and walked out. We heard a horn followed by a message from Khalid on the group

Khalid: I'm outside

Nayah 💛: okay

Amirah: ok

We went into the kitchen and both pecked mums' cheek and fist bumped Ya Abdul then we grabbed 2 apples each and ran out shouting "MA ASSALAM!!!" and both enter the back seat saying salam and closing the door. Then I handed Khalid and the cute guy I guess is his cousin and apple each and they both said "Jazakallah" and I replied with an "Ameen". Then Anayah handed me an apple and I said "Jazakallah" and she said "Ameen". "So Girls this is Fahad Ibrahim my cousin and neighbor and Fahad these are Amirah and Anayah. Amirah is the one in a blue veil while Anayah is the one in a white veil." Khalid introduced us and we waved and exchanged pleasantries. "You can call me Mirah" I said "and you can call me Nayah" Anayah said "Welcome to the group" we all told him and welcomed him into our group. Then both Anayah and I started texting each other.

Amirah: Isn't he the guy we were talking about yesterday?

Nayah 💛: yeah he is. And he is Masha Allah.

And we both started laughing. And started making small talk to know him better, he is actually super nice. Once we got to school, the three of us took him to the counselor to give him his locker key and his books and his timetable then we went our separate ways to our lockers. Coincidentally his locker is right besides mine. Anayah and Khalid's lockers were besides each other about two lockers away. Luckily we were all having the same classes, so we headed for the chemistry lab, since the teacher wasn't here yet there was obviously noise. We spotted a free table with four seats at the back of the class and then headed there and took a seat. Since our chemistry teacher Mr. Ismail has class rules on no same gender should be seated next to each other, Khalid sat on the first stool, Anayah sat next to Khalid and Fahad in between I and Anayah. I explained what was in my note to Fahad, "Thanks" he said when he was done, "Can I have your number?" he asked me "sure" I said and he handed me his phone and I put in my number and saved it as 'Mirah', when I was done I asked him for his number and saved it as 'Fahad' then he asked anayah for her number then they exchange numbers.

"Attention class!!!" Mr. Ismail said "We will be having a new student named Fahad Ibrahim joining our class from now on. Fahad can you please introduce yourself" he added and Fahad went on to introduce himself. The period went by quick with us learning more about Chemical reactions. The bell rung to indicate the end of first period and we all ran to change into our gym clothes anayah and I went to change while the boys went their own direction. "he is soooo Masha Allah" I squealed once we reached to bathroom. I quickly changed into my black tracksuit with a white shirt inside while Anayah wore the dark blue tracksuit also with a white shirt in side then we both wore white caps to cover our hair and then headed to the gym, the thing is that most of the girls offer gymnastics so half of the class room Is for gymnastics. Once I entered the gym I and Anayah ran towards our coach to tell her about it and she was excited and happy for me. "but you do know that you will have to stay back after school to practice right?" she asked me, "yes" "and Anayah is free to join us. But first I want 5 laps around the basketball side of the gym" she said and I and anayah started running our laps.


"so were gonna go pick my to best friend mind you which are both females and luckily for us their at a house right now which is Amirah house which is about 10 minutes away" Khalid told me once we were in the car. Once we got there 2 girls came running into the car with apples in their hands and entered to car saying salam and closing the door. Then she handed I and Khalid an apple each and we both said "Jazakallah" and she replied with an "Ameen". "So Girls this is Fahad Ibrahim my cousin and neighbor and Fahad these are Summayah and Anayah. Amirah is the one in a blue veil while Anayah is the one in a white veil." Khalid introduced us and we exchanged pleasantries. "You can call me Summy, Amirah or Mirah" she said "and you can call me Nayah" Anayah said "Welcome to the group" they all told me and welcomed me into their group.

So her name is Amirah nice I thought to myself and we all made small talk until we got to school.

When we got to school, they took me to the counselor to get my locker key, books and my timetable then we went our separate ways to our lockers. Coincidentally my locker is right besides Amirah while Anayah and Khalid's lockers were besides each other about two lockers away. Once we got into the chemistry lab, we spotted a free table with four seats at the back of the class and then headed there and took a seat. "Since our chemistry teacher Mr. Ismail has class rules on no same gender should be seated next to each other, I will sit on the first stool, Anayah on the second, and Fahad in between Amirah and Anayah." Khalid said. She explained what was in her note to me and to tell the truth I wasn't listening but looking at her because I already know it, "Thanks" I said when she was done, "Can I have your number? "I asked her "sure" she said and we exchanged numbers and once I got my phone back I saw she saved it as Mirah. Then I did the same to anayah and we exchange numbers.      

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