Chapter One

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"Oh my gosh, shut up!" I groaned, smacking my phone as the alarm blared ear piercingly, signaling another day in peachy paradise

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"Oh my gosh, shut up!" I groaned, smacking my phone as the alarm blared ear piercingly, signaling another day in peachy paradise. I laid there for a moment, eyes open, contemplating all of my choices, as I do every day. I did not want to go to class or work today. I had a rough night. The constant business with no balance of a social life was starting to get to me. I enjoy making money and getting my education but I feel so lonely.

Ever since I was a child, listening to Metallica in my room, head banging and doing pro air guitar moves, I pictured myself being with someone into the same music as me when I was older. Having something that precious to share between two people has a sweet sentiment to it. Now that I'm that age, it's alarming that I haven't even come close to achieving such a relationship. I guess I am just tired of seeking that out and being disappointed with the reality of what men are like in your 20's.

After finally regaining my will to live, I sat up and began to put on the pajamas that I threw on the floor from the night before, I usually sleep in just my underwear. I like to feel cozy.

After reluctantly getting ready for the day, I checked myself out in the mirror, admiring my eyeliner and my Metallica shirt, then I grabbed my keys and headed out the door to go to my classes for the morning.

Once I arrived and began walking to my class, I glanced over at the sunrise, admiring the pink and orange colors it was emitting. I peeked down at my full black outfit and grinned to myself, I felt lucky that I don't have to walk to class while the sun is high in the sky and beaming, because being an alternative person during the summer is literal hell.

Once in class, I greeted my professor and my friend  who sat in front of me, I got my laptop out and began reading over the rough draft of the essay that I had fallen asleep writing. As other students shuffled through the door, Ms. Jones talked about what we would be reviewing for the day.

"Okay it's about that time, I'll close the door now." She said, walking over and beginning to pull the door handle.

"Hey! One second please!"

I turned around to face the doorway where a black platform shoe sat between the door, stopping it. My breath slightly hitched. Then a slender hand with rings peeked through, followed by a black studded bracelet. My heart began to beat fast, everything felt as if it was going in slow motion. I recognize metalhead attire when I see it.

"Sorry P, I was running a little late."

He finally came into view, that's when I felt butterflies in my stomach. I'd never seen him in this class before. He looked to be about 6'2" with shoulder length shaggy hair, wearing an Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt complimented with a battle jacket and black jeans.

It felt like a million years before my trance finally subsided and Ms. Jones spoke, "Well looks like you made it just in time, Eddie. Please take a seat."

He smirked down at her, "Yes ma'am."

As he began to walk through the doorway, I quickly turned my head, not wanting to risk being caught drooling over a stranger. I listened intently as his steps hit the ground, feeling his presence come closer and closer, I stared down at the keys of my laptop. I felt the table rattle as he pulled out a chair, two seats away from me.

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