Chapter 20: I feel ya

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(Y/n) POV:

We watch as Raine gets on stage

They prepare themself with the crowd waiting before them

The curtains are pulled open and everyone cheers for their head bard

"Hello everyone! As you all know I'm head of the bard coven. But, today I will be your honourable host and judge"

The crowd goes insane yet again

"Now all you have to do it sit back, relax and watch these amazing performances"

"Without further ado let the show begin!"

The curtains fall and they quickly get off stage


After not paying much attention to the first performances one name catches my attention

"Let's get a Sero Vixx up next" the guard says

I turn my head to see her

Half witch half owl, fluffy brown hair with a white streak through it, pretty short, with piercing yellow eyes

She gives a little wave with her gloved hand before walking off to the stage

"She's pretty" Luz whispers to Will

*after her performance*

Sero stops by us after arriving backstage

"You're pretty cute too, human" she winks

Luz smacks her hands over her ears and blushes

"How did you hear? And see?!" She asks astonished

Sero flaps her fluffy little wings

"Being feathery has some perks" she smiles and flicks Luz's nose with her gloved hand before walking off

"Being feathery has some perks" I repeat while thinking to myself

"It's so great to finally see you guys outside of camp"

"Camp?" Luz says

"Anyways I gotta go, catch you guys later?"

"Later dude" I wave as she leaves

Feeling a little thirsty I wander off to find a drink

I make my way through the people flooding the area backstage

I spot a drinking fountain nearby

Before I can reach it I get yanked into a staff closet

"Hey (y/n)"

Without a second thought I elbow them in the ribs, whip around and shove them to the ground

I put my foot on their neck to hold them against the floor

"Woah there" they choke

a yellow spell circle appears and the light turns on, revealing a familiar black haired witch

"What do you want Harlow" I scoff

I take my boot away from her neck to let her talk

"Sorry about jumping you there, didn't mean any harm, you on the other hand" she laughs and rubs her neck

Birds are kinda a Clawthorne thing (amity blight x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now