Chapter 4: Need To Protect

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It's been a while since Morpho knight arrived in Dreamland, he lives at Kirby's home, he does not need a lot of space since he's just a butterfly. Galacta knight now lives in the Halberd, the star warriors are not afraid of the ancients following him. Him and Morpho also made some new friends and likes that life, but still, Morpho knight isn't complete without his body back...

Galacta knight was sleeping in his room, until the butterfly placed on his head and whispered trough his mind

Ethereal butterfly: Hey Galacta, it's 6:00 AM, time for your daily possession

Galacta knight just woke up

Galacta knight: Come on... Can we not do that for at least a day...?

Ethereal butterfly: Then how am I supposed to comunicate with the others?? They need me to go to meet the Highests! [the "Highests" are just the Gods, but I wanted to change the name because it fits more]

Galacta knight: You've been saying that for days now! Just tell me you don't want to meet them

Ethereal butterfly: Pfft. Why am I supposed to be scared of them?? I am one of them too, remember?

Galacta knight: I did not mention you were scared...

Ethereal butterfly: ...Oh... Alright I am...

Galacta knight: And why? We got Kirby on our side, he can handle some god-looking creatures

Ethereal butterfly: I know, but I don't think they'd spare me for coming back...

Galacta knight: What have you done to get all of that hate?

Ethereal butterfly: Oh umm... That's not important...

Galacta knight: Sure... So, when are we going to meet these highests and get your body back?

Ethereal butterfly: I could talk to Kirby if you let me...

Galacta knight: Ugh... Fine

The Ethereal butterfly absorbed Galacta knight, becoming Morpho knight

Morpho knight: Ah! So much better!


Kirby & friends were at the castle, planning how to act with the Highests

Meta knight: I still think trying to fight them is the dumbest idea...

DDD: At least IS an idea!

Kirby: Poyo! (We don't hare to fight them! Also, they could be stronger than us!)

Bandana dee: They're right, sire, maybe we can just talk to them?

DDD: Oh sure, imagine the dialogue: "Hello! You don't know us but could you give our friend's body back? I know he betrayed you, but he's our friend!". How is THAT supposed to work?

Bandana dee: I... Was just saying...

Kirby: Poyo... (That is going to be tough...)

Suddenly, Morpho knight

Morpho knight: Hello friends, are you guys ready to help me get my body back?

Nobody answered, they just looked away

Meta knight: It's been a while and we were thinking...

DDD: Why are we even supposed to help you?

Kirby: Poyo!! (Not like that!!)

Morpho knight stood for a moment

Morpho knight: I... I think you're right...

Kirby: Poyo poyo! (No no! We are going to help!)

Meta knight: Kirby, this is not like our usual adventure, this is something serious and I don't think we could actually help

Bandana dee: Then why did you accept in the first place???

DDD: We thought about it, alright? We want to live! We might be heroes, but these "highests" aren't the usual final boss...

Kirby: Poyo! (If you don't want to help then I'll do that alone!)

Bandana dee: Alone??? I hope you're kidding!

Kirby: Poyo poyo. (I already did the hero alone, so I can do that again.)

Morpho knight: No way! I understand you want to help me, but... They are right, and I don't want anyone to die because of me. I deserved to lose my body so, I think I can't take it back...

Morpho knight turned back into a butterfly, leaving Galacta knight and flying away

Galacta knight: Damn... You don't want to know what I saw in that mind right now...

Kirby started to run after the butterfly

Kirby: Poyo poyo! (Morpho! Wait!)

[Morpho knight is not sure anymore if he wants his body back, he does not want to lose the friends he just made... But the story does not end here! Kirby won't just give up!
Also, sorry for not posting in a while, but I have been REALLY busy and I still am, take care]

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