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  (Willow lilac and Athena panting)

Athena: no no no n o n o!!!! Willow: we have to search for them we have communicators lilac: yes we can track them don't worry Athena we'll get the hang back Athena: thx guys (gets them they heard a rumble) Willow: what was that?! Lilac: (gets into battle position) (huggy wiggy then came out the shadows and started to chase the girls ) Willow: (runs backwards) sends out lightning shock huggy wiggy fell back and so did Willow but huggy got up spinner that Willow ) Athena: (stops running and turns back) Chia: WILLOW! (Runs back to her and hold out her hand so Willow can grabon too) (they meet running away for a min before they hit a dead end) lilac:oh no Shit shit shit Willow: lilac who taught you that! Athena: (whistles) (Willow glars at her )(huggy wiggly came close but before he got to close Willow saw a box and grabbed to to throw at him)

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