11. Locked

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"I got a little crush on you" Was what the boy said, he cut me in my mid sentence as he continued what he was saying "You remember those nights when you sleep without eating your meal? It's me who put you the snacks under the door. Every night I sneak out without anyone knowing and brings something to eat" I think that's too much information for me to take in. I spaced out while he was talking but I can hear every single word my Master says. The heartbeats can't stop rising, I closed my eyes severely and clinched my hands together tightly 'Please stop, please stop, calm down, take a deep breath- fuck that's too high! I can clearly hear it pounding!!'

Jun smiled and brought himself closer to sit beside me "Sorry for shocking you, but because of what mom and sisters did it opened my heart to you. I don't know but it slowly started increasing until you started avoiding me" He stopped and leaned his head on my shoulder "It hurt me so much that I thought I'll be hated by you. We went through the same situations and we both lacked love" He ended what he wanted to say as we stayed silent.

After a while the Master rose his head and faced me "Your beats are beautiful" The boy was smiling, I pushed him a little hard and blushed "As if you don't have!" He laughed "But in a way, your is 'Loud'" I slapped him on the arm as he began to overreact that it hurt then threw himself on the bed. Jun then pulled me back to lie next to him as he smiled widely. I turned to look at the ceiling feeling a special bit of happiness.

The ambience was quite till he spoke up "Minghao?" Jun turned me to look at him. I hummed as he started stroking my hair slowly with his hand that my head is laying on "I want to know how do you feel" I didn't answer and kept looking at him in the eyes "So.."

"What do you think?" I asked not taking my gaze away from him. He was about to say something when the door opened. I quickly shot up from my place and looked at the person, it was his mom. The Master tirelessly sat up and gave a blank expression toward his mother.

"Looks like you're having fun" She crossed her arms at her son and Jun quickly defended "None of your business, why didn't you knock before you come in?"

"I'm still your mother Jun, and what were you doing?" The boy stood up, he startled me. Is he mad? Looks like.

"I said don't. Butt. In and you're not my 'mom' as you call yourself. Which mom do what you do to her son huh?" She gasped at what her son blurted out and raised her voice.

"Is this what this orphan boy taught you?! To be disrespectful towards me? He's not even a piece of dot compared to who you are. His family get rid of him, and here you are being the waiter to him??"

"SHUT UP!! If you ever had a little bit of kindness you would feel how he felt. And on top of that you were that fucking woman who didn't let him be happy. Please shut up! Be quite!! Don't tell lies!"

The woman became more furious as she walked in the room and dragged me harshly toward her. Jun quickly pulled me back to his other side and shouted "Leave!" Tina didn't move even an inch.

"If you want to know.." He put his hand on my cheek and turned me to face him 'Shit!' I cursed-shocked in my head when he kissed me. 'In front of his mom! Damn you Wen Junhui!! What are you thinking!'

He let me go and turned to his mom again "You who's behind all of this" My Master gazed sternly at her shocked face and she didn't hesitate to walk and slap him. He kept calm and smiled at her. The woman hold my arm aggressively and pulled me outside "Don't dare to get out of your room!!" She locked the door and walked away angrily with too much arrogance. I stayed in my place in front of the door looking at the ground, tears started falling down my cheeks "I'm sorry.." I sniffled as I apologized to the boy "I'm very sorry" The more tears fall the more my voice cracks.


More than two days passed and I'm not allowed to leave the room either. Like I'm not working here anymore but why the rules for me, ok this is not a rule but she can't lock me up here anyway.

The door opened and Amy came in with breakfast "You must be hungry-"
"Please don't, I want to get outta here" I cut the girl off as she put the tray aside and sat beside me.

"You know nobody can break Mrs. rules. She locked her son too, but may I ask what happened and why she did that?" Amy tilted her head to the side confused while looking at me.

'What... happened?..' I asked myself while remembering that day and blushed madly "AHH!! No no, you don't- not now- I mean,,, wait. I'll tell you later okay? I'm sorry this is something personal to the Master" I screamed and messed my hair up. She winced at my action as I tried to calm her down and not open the conversation again.

"Oh~ right. Something 'personal'" Amy smirked and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yes too personal" I repeated and nodded my head. My hands are sweating "Get out now. I want to take a nap" I stood up and dragged the girl to the door and pushed her outside.

'Woah, that's really something... wonder what he's doing'


The night has set and I heard steps coming through the corridor. I felt scared, it's 01:46 in the morning who would it be. I laid still in my bed not making any sound while facing the ceiling and listening carefully. Then, I heard whispers, it's near the room's door. I sat up and walked slowly, there is a shadow. The whispers become more lucid as I stopped behind the door and leaned my face side on it.

"Heyy~ open" That's what I heard. The voice is a little husky so I replied louder "Who are you, and why are you whispering? Stop you're scaring me"

"Just open first"

"Amy if that's you go, I'll sleep soon. Don't worry"

"You fucking idiot it's me Jun, open the fucking door" As the boy called his name I froze in my place, a lot of thoughts running in my head. As soon as I realized, I opened quickly and let him in.

"Amy, Amy. Why do you always call her? First I thought you and Alya are dating but now I'm suspicious. You know I can get jealous~" He walked in while looking around the room.

"Wait.. YOU FIRED HER JUST FOR THAT!??" I yelled then put my hands on my mouth.

"Lower your voice!"

"You know you were stupid for doing that?!" I whispered back. The boy walked to the window and looked out of it then turned to me who is still standing at the door "Remember I'm still your Master" His eyebrows wiggled with a smirk on his face, only the moonlight coming through the window lighting the room.

"You're not, and I already quit" I fired back.

"Whatever" He murmured and turned to the window again. I went toward the bed and sat down with my back on the headboard, I took out a booklet and started sketching on it.

A while passed with no one saying anything until I broke the silence "Why did you come, does your mother even know? Are you allowed to get out yet?"

"Sometimes we have to be naughty to face our fears or we wouldn't be able to get over them"

"Wow, I liked the phrase" He seems confident but nobody knows until they know the person.

He walked and laid down on the bed with his hands under his head and stared at the ceiling. I didn't pay attention for more than half an hour for him and when I finished what I was drawing I put the booklet back to its place and looked at the now sleeping boy. A sigh escaped my lips as I stood up and took my blanket to cover him.

"I'm not asleep yet" Jun said still closing his eyes which had scared me to death. I put my hand on my left side and exhaled "Damn, just say anything, cough, sneeze, whatever just don't frighten me like this" I threw the blanket at him and sat down. The Master sat up and said "We're not sleeping today, get up"


I'm shy of saying this but hello. Sorry for not publishing this part on Wednesday, I was busy. (Nice excuse right?)

Hope you'll have a nice day or night at your city's time ♥︎

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